ELEX II Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 ELEX II achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 50 Offline Mode 50 Single Player 6 Main Storyline 3 Collectable 3 Missable 18 Cumulative + 6 Level 1 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Civilian„Nothing to Lose” completed. Festival-goer„Billy Idol Concert” completed. Commander„Strong Alliances” completed. Best BuddyC.R.O.N.Y. U4 found. Family ReunionWardek found. Lover„Old Love Doesn't Rust” completed. BerserkerJoined the Berserkers. ClericJoined the Clerics. OutlawJoined the Outlaws. AlbJoined the Albs. MorkonJoined the Morkons. DefectorDecided not to join a faction. Pass A38Raik forgoes his salary to benefit the Cultivators. Detective„Hitch and the Three Investigators” completed. Toy Time„Smuggling Toys” completed. Irissa's FateDecide Irissa's fate. LegendaryDiscover the secret of the old map. Eternal Oblivion„Khan's Execution” completed. PerfectionistELEX II completed. Socializer300 missions completed. HotshotAll combat skills learned. UnbreakableAll survival skills learned. Self-SufficientAll crafting skills learned. IdealistAll character skills learned. Free as a BirdAll Jetpack skills learned. Role ModelLevel 20 reached. Military Leader5 companions in your party. Beam Me UpTeleported 20 times. Storyteller20 Audio Logs found. Alchemist30 potions brewed. WeaponsmithMade a weapon 20 times. Long-Haul FlyerFuel capacity increased to at least 30. GlobetrotterUnlock at least 35 teleporters. Treasure HunterCollect 10 map pieces. Key Master100 locks picked. Computer Scientist30 successful hacks. Peddler20 merchants found. Entrepreneur1,000 elexit shards received. Banker10,000 elexit shards received. Treasurer50,000 elexit shards received. DrinkerHealed by potions 100 times. Pack RatCollected 100,000 items CreatorDestruction is below 10. DestroyerDestruction is over 90. Hunter20 monsters killed. Defender20 Skyands killed. Ruthless30 innocent creatures killed. Fire in the Hole10 kills by hand grenade. Warrior200 monsters killed. Enforcer500 monsters killed.