EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair Achievements Here is the full list of all 51 EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply A Walk in the ParkCleared all stages on Normal difficulty as a Ranger. Ranger DangerCleared all stages on Hard difficulty as a Ranger. Ranger PowerCleared all stages on Hardest difficulty as a Ranger. Rangers Lead the WayCleared all stages on Inferno difficulty as a Ranger. Winging ItCleared all stages on Normal difficulty as a Wing Diver. Wing of TruthCleared all stages on Hard difficulty as a Wing Diver. WingmasterCleared all stages on Hardest difficulty as a Wing Diver. Lord of the WingsCleared all stages on Inferno difficulty as a Wing Diver. Clearing the AirCleared all stages on Normal difficulty as an Air Raider. The Air Up ThereCleared all stages on Hard difficulty as an Air Raider. Air to the ThroneCleared all stages on Hardest difficulty as an Air Raider. Incoming TrophyCleared all stages on Inferno difficulty as an Air Raider. Fencing ScholarCleared all stages on Normal difficulty as a Fencer. Fencing Free ScholarCleared all stages on Hard difficulty as a Fencer. Fencing ProvostCleared all stages on Hardest difficulty as a Fencer. Fencing MasterCleared all stages on Inferno difficulty as a Fencer. This is My Rifle, This is My GunObtained 10% of all available weapons. Do You Have a Permit for That?Obtained 50% of all available weapons. I Got a Permit For This OneObtained all available weapons. Ant RepellantDefeated 20,000 ant-type bugs. Does Whatever a Spider Can'tDefeated 12,000 spider-type bugs. Drones PwnedDestroyed 5000 flying drones. Carrier HarrierDestroyed 500 carriers. Achilles ApprovesDestroyed 900 Hectors. Quadrupeds QuelledDestroyed 12 quadruped fortresses. Let Them Eat CakeDefeated 24 queens. Kings are Dropping Like FliesDefeated 40 king spiders. Red Dead RoboticsDestroyed 150 red drones. Wait Till Your Fathership Gets HomeDestroyed 6 motherships. Net LossDefeated 360 Retiarii. I Just Really Hate TunnelsDestroyed 200 underground tunnel exits. Shields YieldDefeated 120 shield bearers. Got the Bees! Got the Bees!Defeated 4000 flying-type bugs. More Like Dead QueensDefeated 24 death queens. Reaving the NestDestroyed 6 flying-type bug nests. Dent-ified Flying ObjectsDestroyed 2000 flying vehicles. Jumping ShipDestroyed 200 large transport ships. Deroys DestroyedDefeated 200 Deroys. Dragon FallDefeated 2400 Dragons. Thou Hast Done WellDefeated 20 Greater Wild Dragons. Countless Screaming ArgonautsDestroyed 20 Argos. Call a Taxidermist, I Have an IdeaDestroyed 30 Erginuses. The Brains in Pain Fall Mainly for Your GainDestroyed 6 Brains. Ranger RegimenRanger's health has reached 1000. Certified DiverWing Diver's health has reached 550. Breathe DeeplyAir Raider's health has reached 1000. Ravager-Proof FencerFencer's health has reached 1250. Professional HeroRescued 5 other players in co-op play. Just Doing My JobRescued 50 other players in co-op play. You're Gonna Be Okay, SonHealed another player in co-op play. Higher and HigherReached a height of 200 meters.