Game action
Durka Simulator

Durka Simulator Achievements

Here is the full list of all 26 Durka Simulator achievements.

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  • Searching For Rocks

    Only the strongest will make the hardest choice.

  • Dancing Dog

    This is a description, there's a lot of text, if you can't see it, buy glasses.

  • Dancing Bears

    This is a description, there's a lot of text, if you can't see it, buy glasses.

  • Dancing Pirate

    This is a description, there's a lot of text, if you can't see it, buy glasses.

  • Ricroll

  • Anonymous M.

    Please don't identify me.

  • Creators

    Starring Ryan Gosling.

  • I Love Death

    Lose a fight 15 times without dealing damage to your opponent.

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