Game action
Dragon Spirits

Dragon Spirits Achievements

Here is the full list of all 58 Dragon Spirits achievements.

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  • Three steps ahead

    Find and defeat Tan Yathin with only one Dragon Spirit in your team

  • Childhood best friend

    Max out Tan Yathin's friendship, now Mr.Lui will conjure more gossip

  • Nemesis

    Max out We Young's friendship, as a friend as a foe

  • Teacher as a friend

    Max out Lui Chesion's friendship, this relationship is more complicated than necessary

  • Loan shark

    You have borrowed some crystal shards from Tan Yathin. You can legally refuse to pay them back if the interests are too high

  • One cent enters, two cents leave

    Lend some crystal shards to We Young, you are on the other side of debt this time

  • ATM

    Successfully asked for crystal shards from Mr.Lui,earning through matches might be faster than this

  • I am the God of the new world

    Achieve an instant defeat

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