Disneyland Adventures Achievements Here is the full list of all 49 Disneyland Adventures achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 49 Offline Mode 47 Single Player 49 Cooperative 49 Host Only 9 Main Storyline 3 Stackable 17 Collectable 8 Level 2 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Golden TicketCompleted the tutorial Steamboat WillieCompleted a task. Happy UnbirthdayCompleted 21 tasks around the park To Infinity, and Beyond!Completed all of the missions for Star Command and Buzz Lightyear MouseketeerCompleted all of the adventures with the Fab Five Happiest Place on EarthCompleted all of the adventures in the park Hip Hip Pooh-Ray!Helped Winnie the Pooh and his friends in the Hundred-Acre Wood Pixar PerfectWon the platinum badges on Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters and Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage Fully EquippedAcquired all of the magic items Pirate's Life for MeBeat Captain Hook and Blackbeard in swordfights Disneyland AdventurerFound 21 Secrets in the Haunted Mansion, Jungle Cruise and Winnie the Pooh attractions Disneyland MountaineerWon the gold pin badge on all 4 of the mountain attractions I Feel Like DancingDanced perfectly in the Princess Fantasy Faire, "it's a small world" and Alice in Wonderland The Bare NecessitiesWon the bronze pin badge on all attractions Mine Mine Mine MineWon the silver pin badge on all attractions There's Gold in Them There HillsWon the gold pin badge on all attractions Portal MasterWon the platinum pin badge on all attractions Main Street, U.S.A. ExplorerCompleted 50% of Main Street, U.S.A. Fantasyland ExplorerCompleted 50% of Fantasyland Tomorrowland ExplorerCompleted 50% of Tomorrowland Critter Country ExplorerCompleted 50% of Critter Country Adventureland ExplorerCompleted 50% of Adventureland New Orleans Square ExplorerCompleted 50% of New Orleans Square Frontierland ExplorerCompleted 50% of Frontierland Mickey's Toontown ExplorerCompleted 50% of Mickey's Toontown Sign of the TimesCompleted an autograph album You Must Be This TallRidden on all of the classic rides ShutterbugTaken your first photograph BookwormCompleted all of the photo albums and autograph books M-I-C-K-E-YPhotographed a Hidden Mickey Hidden Mickey InvestigatorPhotographed half of the Hidden Mickeys Hidden Mickey SleuthPhotographed all of the Hidden Mickeys Sorcerer's ApprenticeCollected 50% of the Wand Secrets Roaring SuccessCollected 50% of the Megaphone Secrets Eye SpyCollected 50% of the Spyglass Secrets The Wetter the BetterCollected 50% of the Water Squirter Secrets It Was This Big!Collected 50% of the Fishing Rod Secrets Not Today, Zurg!Collected 50% of the Blaster Secrets Music Maestro PleaseConducted a perfect performance from all of the musical acts Pleased to Meet You!Used all of the gestures on the same character You Will Go to the BallDanced with all of the princesses Five for FiveHigh fived all of the Fab Five Not as Mean as They LookTried to hug all of the villain characters Spectacular!Put on an awesome fireworks display Soundsational!Conducted a perfect parade What a Swell PalCompleted an attraction chapter with 2 players Say CheeseHad a photo taken with a character and another player Bargain HunterBought an item from each shop in the park Dressed to ImpressBought a costume and wore it in the park