Defense Grid 2 Achievements Here is the full list of all 65 Defense Grid 2 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 8 Offline Mode 4 Online Mode 63 Online/Offline 61 Single Player 55 Cooperative 37 Versus 1 Host Only 9 Main Storyline 6 Stackable 16 Cumulative + 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 1 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply EradicatorKill 100 aliens. First BloodKill 1 alien. AnnihilatorKill 10,000 aliens. ExterminatorKill 1000 aliens. XenocideKill 50,000 aliens. Field PromotionEarn a silver (or better) medal. Flawless VictoryEarn a Gold Medal. Salvage RightsKill an alien boss creature. (Juggernaut, Rumbler, Turtle, or Crasher) LiquidatorSell 10 towers. SurplusWin a mission with at least 1,000 resources remaining. Penny PincherWin a mission with at least 5,000 resources remaining. Filthy RichWin a mission with at least 10,000 resources remaining. ArsenalBuild 20 towers of any type in one mission. Full DefenseBuild 50 towers of any type in one mission. IndecisiveSell 10 towers or more in a single mission. Happy ReturnsRecover a loose core. Hey! That's mine!Kill an alien carrying a power core. Yellow Beats GreenUpgrade a level 1 tower to a level 2 tower. RetryUse the Reload Checkpoint option. If At First You Don't Succeed, Retry AgainUse the reload checkpoint option five times in a single mission. LeadheadBuild 100 Gun towers. Burn Baby BurnBuild 100 Inferno towers. Pew PewBuild 100 Laser towers. Not So FastBuild 100 Temporal towers. Great Ball of FireBuild 100 Meteor towers. High VoltageBuild 100 Tesla towers. Kaboom!Build 100 Cannon towers. The Not-So-Friendly SkiesBuild 100 Missile towers. Head TraumaBuild 100 Concussion towers. Would You Like a Boost With That?Build 100 Boost towers. Death From AboveUse the Orbital Laser Special Weapon (General Cai). No Fast BlastUse the Temporal Cannon Special Weapon (Colonel Rissler). More PleaseUse the Resource Reinforcement Special Weapon (Professor Briel). Pumped Up TowersUse the Tower Overcharge Special Weapon (Advisor Zacara). Go To Your HomeUse the Core Teleport special weapon (Professor Taylor). Shoot That GuyUse the Precision Targeting Special Weapon (Rear Admiral Phillips). Tower ExpertBuild every tower and every upgrade for each tower. Close CallSave a core that is less than 10 seconds away from the map's exit point. No SaleWin any mission without selling any towers. DiversityBuild 1 of each tower type in any single mission. What IS that?Inspect 10 aliens. Full HouseBuild and fully upgrade each tower type in one mission. Gun CrazyUsing only Gun towers, Win any chapter 4 (or later) mission. FirebugUsing only Inferno towers, Win any chapter 4 (or later) mission. Shell-shockedUsing only Cannon towers, Win any chapter 4 (or later) mission. MinimalistUsing only level 1 towers, Win any Chapter 4 (or later) mission. Base DefenderComplete the single player campaign in Story Mode. 1 guidePlanet DefenderEarn a silver medal (or better) on all missions in the Story mode. Master StrategistEarn 100 Gold Medals on any missions. Alien TearsEarn a gold medal on every mission in Story mode. Full PotentialWin a chapter 4 (or later) mission with level 3 towers only and no selling. Now With SprinklesEnable a Tower Augmentation item on any tower. 10 Items No LessEnable a Tower Augmentation Item on 10 Towers. Master BuilderUse the command shuttle to move 6 map sections in Mission 6. The Path Most TraveledWin a Gold medal on mission 19 without using the Command Shuttle. ConfidentUse the speed up control at 3x for a total of 60 seconds in any mission. Thanks For Playing!Earn Bronze on a Single Player mission. Warning ShotsPlay a Competitive Multiplayer mission. Winning ShotsEarn a Victory in a DG Fighter Multiplayer mission. Brothers in ArmsEarn Bronze in a Co-Op Multiplayer mission. Go Team!Earn Gold in a Co-Op Multiplayer mission. Boot CampFinish all the missions in Chapter 1 in Story Mode. Siege BreakerSurvive 100 waves on Grinder challenge mode on any mission. Master Siege BreakerSurvive 100 waves on any Super Grinder challenge mode. UntouchableBeat a Chapter 4 mission or higher with zero cores captured.