Dead Rising 4 Achievements Full list of all 104 Dead Rising 4 achievements.The base game contains 52 achievements, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 52 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 17 Online Mode 70 Offline Mode 35 Online/Offline 113 Single Player 19 Main Storyline 6 Difficulty Specific 8 Stackable 33 Collectable 25 Cumulative + 8 Missable 12 Shop 7 Level 1 Cumulative - 51 Cooperative 5 Time/Date 1 x3 Players Required 1 x4 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply $#!&'s Getting ScienceComplete Case 3 of the Story A Whole New WorldSpend your first Skill Point All About the PointsAccumulate 1,000,000 points in Multiplayer Mode Bareknuckle BoxingComplete an entire episode without using a weapon Building a New YouSpend 25 total Skill Points Busy DayComplete 3 missions in a single day in Multiplayer Mode C-C-C-Combo!!Get a Hit Streak over 200 then use a Skill Move 1 guideCombat ReadyUnlock 10 Multiplayer mode-only skills. CraftsmanObtain all of the Multiplayer Combo Weapon Blueprints. Door Crasher SpecialComplete Case 1 of the Story Elementary!Complete your first Investigation Eyes on the PrizeComplete Case 6 of the Story Faaantastic!Take an S-Rank Photograph Family PhotoTake a photo of 3 players at the same time in Multiplayer Mode FashionistaTry on 100 different clothing items Get to WorkComplete 50 Trials 1 guideHangryComplete an entire episode without eating food Hey Big SpenderSpend 100,000 Scrap 1 guideHunting GroundsDiscover every Location of Interest Idol WorshipFind the Frank West Statue. Didn't there used to be more of these? InnovatorCollect all Blueprints in Story Mode Invasion on Main StreetComplete Case 2 of the Story InventorCollect 30 Blueprints in Story Mode Left 100,004 Dead 2Kill 200,008 zombies Like a BossKill a Boss in Multiplayer Mode Look Who's Coming to DinnerComplete Case 4 of the Story Man of the YearComplete Case 5 of the Story Master JournalistGet a Journalism Score of 100% Otis Would Be ProudFully level up the Mall Emergency Shelter 1 guideRookie JournalistSolve one of the Mysteries Seasoned JournalistSolve all of the Mysteries Skilled AthleteSpend 20 Skill Points on Fortitude skills Skilled BrawlerSpend 20 Skill Points on Brawling skills Skilled ShooterSpend 20 Skill Points on Shooting skills Skilled SurvivalistSpend 20 Skill Points on Survival skills Stop Hitting YourselfKill a zombie with a hunk of meat Story CompletionistComplete all Story Trials Survive Holiday HellSurvive Episode 1 Survive the BoardwalkSurvive Episode 3 Survive the Food CourtSurvive Episode 4 Survive the PlazaSurvive Episode 2 Tape It or Die AGAINCreate 50 combo weapons Tape It or Die FanaticCreate 58 unique Combo Weapons Time For Mini GolfComplete Case 0 of the Story TinkererCollect 5 Blueprints in Story Mode Vehicular ManslaughterCreate 8 unique combo vehicles We Are Canceling The ApocalypseCreate 5 unique Exo suit Power-Ups Workin' HardComplete all Trials Z-Genocider 4: The ReturnKill 53,598 zombies Zombie DestructionKill 5,000 zombies Biter's RemorseBeat the game on Blackest Friday difficulty. Chopping SpreeBeat the game on Hard difficulty. Add-on Frank Rising 387 170 17 3.2521452 (24%) Living on a PrayerFrank Rising - Complete Frank Rising... at a terrible price. Pack LeaderFrank Rising - Complete Frank Rising with the best ending. Hard LineFrank Rising - Complete Frank Rising with the best ending on Hard difficulty. No CompromiseFrank Rising - Complete Frank Rising with the best ending on Blackest Friday difficulty. Good, Smart, Super Weird ZombieFrank Rising - Unlock your first zombie ability. Good StockFrank Rising - Collect a princess wasp. Royal FoolFrank Rising - Collect all of the princess wasps. This Little PiggyFrank Rising - Recover 10,000 health by Feasting. EntomologistFrank Rising - Collect 10 evo wasps. Smart FoodFrank Rising - Collect 10 brain jars. Not the Good StuffFrank Rising - Collect 10 cases of tainted Zombrex. Well ReadFrank Rising - Collect 10 of Barnaby's research notes. Cool & CollectedFrank Rising - Collect 10 organ coolers. BloodhoundFrank Rising - Collect 3 portable detection devices. Work Up an AppetiteFrank Rising - Reach a Hit Counter of 50, then Feast. Up and at 'EmFrank Rising - Survive your first night as a zombie. Killer QueenFrank Rising - Collect the evo queen. Add-on Super Ultra Dead Rising 4 Mini Golf 428 160 16 4.0022534 (15%) PardonableAchieve par on a hole. Holey MoleyPlay 20 holes. AcefaceAchieve a hole in one. Shoot the MoonAchieve an eagle. Flip 'Em the BirdAchieve a birdie. Perfect DayPlay a perfect shot. Ball Busted!Be the victim of a Ball Buster. Up to SnuffAchieve par on a course. Killer DriveKill 5 zombies in one shot. ExterminatorKill 30 zombies on a course. Club MembershipUnlock a new club type. FlushUnlock all club types. Stylin'Unlock a new costume. SplurgedUnlock all cosmetic items. #1 Ball BusterUse every Ball Buster on other players. A Real Ball BusterUse a Ball Buster on another player. Update Capcom Heroes 1,027 190 19 3.5019848 (24%) Full WardrobeCapcom Heroes - Unlock all of the Capcom Heroes Costumes. Capcom HeroCapcom Heroes - Complete all Hero Training. Challenge AcceptedCapcom Heroes - Complete all Hero Training for a single Costume. Fighting in the StreetsCapcom Heroes - Beat-up 10 cars using a Street Fighter® Costume. CosplayCapcom Heroes - Complete the Capcom Heroes Dead Rising 4 story mode. Ghost-Ride the WhipCapcom Heroes - Complete an investigation using the Sissel Costume. Deep Dish DemonsCapcom Heroes - Eat 5 pizzas using the Dante Costume. Frank Is BackCapcom Heroes - Stun 500 zombies using the Classic Frank Costume. Tastes like ChickenCapcom Heroes - Feast on 100 humans using the Zombie Frank Costume. Chivalry is DeadCapcom Heroes - Kill 100 zombies with a Ranged Attack using the Arthur Costume. Satsui no HadoCapcom Heroes - Kill 100 enemies with Akuma's Raging Demon attack. Crack ShotCapcom Heroes - Kill 50 enemies with headshots using the Jill Valentine Costume. I'd like some pound cakeCapcom Heroes - Kill 500 enemies using Ryu's Hurricane Kick attack. Clowning AroundCapcom Heroes - Visit Slappy's Fun House and Party Poppers in the Mall in the Adam the Clown Costume. Charging My LaserCapcom Heroes - Kill 200 enemies using Mega Man's Mega Buster. Bison DollarsCapcom Heroes - Earn 5000 Scrap using the M. Bison Costume. The Red CycloneCapcom Heroes - Kill 20 enemies using Zangief's Cyclone Lariat attack. Treasure HunterCapcom Heroes - Find all Capcom Treasures. Gong ShowCapcom Heroes - Break the gong in Old Town using the Amaterasu Costume.