Darkest Dungeon II Achievements Full list of all 106 Darkest Dungeon II achievements.The base game contains 65 achievements, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 41 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 78 Offline Mode 78 Single Player 12 Main Storyline 1 Collectable 14 Missable 11 Cumulative + 1 Level 12 Shop Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (28)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Don't Make Me Turn This Coach AroundHave a hero meltdown Serenity Now!Have a hero become resolute It Rings a BellApply a memory onto a hero A Life Well LivedApply 5 memories onto a single hero ResurrectionUnlock the Flagellant Unleash HellUnlock the Hellion Funny GuyUnlock the Jester Long Live the KingUnlock the Leper Wyrdly ReconstructedUnlock the Occultist Boxcar KidUnlock the Runaway Unfulfilled DesiresUnlock the Vestal The World As It WasUnlock 100% of the Altar of Hope This Looks FamiliarUnlock 50% of the Altar of Hope Hope RekindledUnlock 25% of the Altar of Hope Loop YearPlay the game on the anniversary of release PredatorKill 100 Creatures This Belongs in a MuseumDefeat the Antiquarian DissectorKill 100 Cadavers BanishmentKill 100 Cosmic beings Not Today!Defeat Death Creep and SleepDefeat the lair boss found in the Tangle DeprogrammingKill 100 Fanatics IchthyophobicKill 100 Fisherfolk Now Stay DeadKill 100 Gaunt No More Mouths to FeedKill 100 Gentry Meat and GreetDefeat the lair boss found in the Foetor Clearing the LedgerLand the killing blow on a lair boss from the Bounty Hunter Catch and DeceaseDefeat the lair boss found in the Shroud Overdue NoticeDefeat the lair boss found in the Sprawl Reverse BanditryKill 100 Pillagers Escape from the Black HoleDefeat a Shambler Circle of LifeDefeat a Shambler with Shambler's Spawn equipped Bacon BitsKill 100 Swine No Gravestone Left UnturnedParty wipe against each Confession endboss It HappensParty wipe against any Confession endboss Hat TrickDefeat 3 lair bosses in a single expedition SpelunkerClear the Sluice Rush HourClear the Sprawl Merry TimeClear the Shroud Harvest FestivalClear the Foetor To Grandmother's HouseClear the Tangle Ramble OnDrive 1,000 leagues in the stagecoach 20,000 Leagues Above the SeaDrive 20,000 leagues in the stagecoach Tears in the RainLose a hero who was full of memories AutodidactMaster 5 skills on a single hero during an expedition Shrine of ReflectionComplete all heroes' entire backstory A Clear ConscienceComplete any hero's entire backstory WhalePurchase an indelible trinket from the Hoarder TriageTreat a disease, remove a negative quirk, and lock-in a positive quirk at a single Field Hospital A Place to Lay Your HeadReach the first Inn When You Want Something Done RightHire the Bounty Hunter FNGFind a replacement for a fallen hero Worldly TravelerVisit every Inn The ClashEnter the Mountain with a full party and all negative relationships UtopiaEnter the Mountain with a full party and all positive relationships EideticHave a full roster of heroes with at least one memory each NopeAbandon an expedition UnshackledComplete Denial Hot AirComplete Resentment 1 guideEyes UpComplete Obsession HandledComplete Ambition Body of WorkComplete Cowardice Grand SlamDefeat all 5 Confessions with the same four heroes without any of them dying Hard ModeDefeat the final boss with the Stygian Blaze equipped Road TripHave a trophy, pet, and four stagecoach items equipped all at once Add-on The Binding Blade 436 140 14 0.0056327 (5%) This guy... again? Malpractice Assurance Et Tu, Riposte?Land a Riposte with Man-at-Arms, Highwayman, and Duelist in a single fight These Boots Are Made For Kickin'Land the killing blow on a lair boss with The Boot from the Duelist Slap on the WristDeal 20 damage with a Riposte skill from the Duelist Bloody GraduationComplete the Duelist's backstory Maître De La LameApply 5 memories onto the Duelist Battle HardenedApply 5 memories onto the Crusader Ploughshares to SwordsComplete the Crusader's backstory On This Long Road, We Found Redemption No Mercy Lost and FoundComplete The Lost Crusade Friends 'Til the EndHave the Highwayman and the Crusader form a positive relationship For Old Time' SakeComplete an expedition with The Usual Suspects Add-on Inhuman Bondage 1,467 200 20 0.001000 (0%) Unnerving MassKill 7+ Slimes in a single combat Catacomb CrackerHave any hero use a Cracked Geode in combat Chthonian NightmaresClear the Catacombs and the Sluice in a single expedition TransformedComplete Abomination's Backstory Inquisition's PrizeApply 5 memories onto the Abomination SacrilegiousForm a team with the Abomination and 3 of the following heroes: Vestal, Crusader, Flagellant, Leper It's Not A PhaseHave two different members of your party forced into a resolve check due to the Abomination over the course of a single Expedition or Kingdom campaign. Three ChainsHave the Abomination use a Coiled Chain on the Cryptkeeper in the Catacombs UndecidedHave the Abomination transform into beast form three times in a single fight Let Them FightLand the killing blow on the Alpha Rot Claw from the Abomination Paid OffHit the Antiquarian with a Ragged Coin Purse Toxoplasma GondiiGain each of the effects from the Purloiner Felid at least once in a single expedition or campaign K1 Module CompleteSuccessfully complete the K1: Hunger of the Beast Clan module on any difficulty Fanfare for the CommonDefend a siege using only Peasant Militia Bat SignalUse a Signal Flare A Little HopePurchase an Inn Capstone ProfessionalComplete 5 kill contracts in a single campaign Trophy CasePossess a Trophy from the Sprawl, Foetor, Tangle, Tundra and Shroud at once in a single campaign It's ComplicatedHave 8 heroes involved in relationships at the same time RebuiltPurchase one of each Inn Capstone in a single campaign Update Kingdoms 1,468 70 7 0.0020 (0%) RumormongerDeliver 5 rumours over the course of a single campaign Beast BloodSuccessfully complete the K1: Hunger of the Beast Clan module on Blood Moon difficulty Tax CollectorCollect 5 Inn treasures over the course of a single campagin Hard Day's NightSuccessfully complete a Kingdoms campaign on any difficulty without ever passing a day. Taste of their OwnLand the killing blow on a beastman with a Huntsman Hatachet Teetering on the BrinkSuccessfully complete a Kingdoms campaign with no possible Inn losses remaining A Great TomorrowSuccessfully complete a Kingdoms campaign only losing up to a single Inn