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Darkest Dungeon II

Darkest Dungeon II Achievements

Full list of all 106 Darkest Dungeon II achievements.

The base game contains 65 achievements, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 41 achievements.

  • Hot Air

    Complete Resentment

  • Eyes Up

    Complete Obsession

  • Handled

    Complete Ambition

  • Body of Work

    Complete Cowardice

  • Grand Slam

    Defeat all 5 Confessions with the same four heroes without any of them dying

  • Hard Mode

    Defeat the final boss with the Stygian Blaze equipped

  • Road Trip

    Have a trophy, pet, and four stagecoach items equipped all at once


The Binding Blade

27 (5%)
The Binding Blade

Inhuman Bondage

0 (0%)
Inhuman Bondage
  • Transformed

    Complete Abomination's Backstory

  • Inquisition's Prize

    Apply 5 memories onto the Abomination

  • Sacrilegious

    Form a team with the Abomination and 3 of the following heroes: Vestal, Crusader, Flagellant, Leper

  • It's Not A Phase

    Have two different members of your party forced into a resolve check due to the Abomination over the course of a single Expedition or Kingdom campaign.

  • Three Chains

    Have the Abomination use a Coiled Chain on the Cryptkeeper in the Catacombs

  • Undecided

    Have the Abomination transform into beast form three times in a single fight

  • Let Them Fight

    Land the killing blow on the Alpha Rot Claw from the Abomination

  • Paid Off

    Hit the Antiquarian with a Ragged Coin Purse

  • Toxoplasma Gondii

    Gain each of the effects from the Purloiner Felid at least once in a single expedition or campaign

  • K1 Module Complete

    Successfully complete the K1: Hunger of the Beast Clan module on any difficulty

  • Fanfare for the Common

    Defend a siege using only Peasant Militia

  • Bat Signal

    Use a Signal Flare

  • A Little Hope

    Purchase an Inn Capstone

  • Professional

    Complete 5 kill contracts in a single campaign

  • Trophy Case

    Possess a Trophy from the Sprawl, Foetor, Tangle, Tundra and Shroud at once in a single campaign

  • It's Complicated

    Have 8 heroes involved in relationships at the same time

  • Rebuilt

    Purchase one of each Inn Capstone in a single campaign



0 (0%)
  • Rumormonger

    Deliver 5 rumours over the course of a single campaign

  • Beast Blood

    Successfully complete the K1: Hunger of the Beast Clan module on Blood Moon difficulty

  • Tax Collector

    Collect 5 Inn treasures over the course of a single campagin

  • Hard Day's Night

    Successfully complete a Kingdoms campaign on any difficulty without ever passing a day.

  • Taste of their Own

    Land the killing blow on a beastman with a Huntsman Hatachet

  • Teetering on the Brink

    Successfully complete a Kingdoms campaign with no possible Inn losses remaining

  • A Great Tomorrow

    Successfully complete a Kingdoms campaign only losing up to a single Inn