Dark Deity Achievements Here is the full list of all 40 Dark Deity achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Super Effective!Get a critical hit Not Very Effective...Take 0 damage from an attack. Upgrades, people, upgrades!Upgrade a unit to tier 2 Unlimited PowerUpgrade a unit to tier 3 You shall not pass!Have a unit take 150 damage and live in one chapter I live my life a quarter-mile at a timeHave a character move 150 tiles in a chapter The best of friendsReach a max level bond O.H.K.ODefeat an enemy in one hit. InevitableStart a chapter with aspects equipped to every deployed unit Blessed by Aren Jee ZussHave all stats increase on a single levelup What are you buyin?Upgrade your first spell/weapon Say hello to my little friendReach the max level of a single spell/weapon tree Early GraduationChapter 1: Get drafted Current Objective: SurviveChapter 5: Defeat the onslaught of undead Et tu, Irving?Chapter 8: Have someone close to you witness a shameful act The Atlas CurseChapter 11: Complete your most harrowing battle yet Hello 'ol HumbackChapter 12: Leave Etlan by way of sea The One Who Came BeforeChapter 15: Complete the Trial of Soul More dots, more dots!Chapter 16: Defeat a legendary creature Chamber of SoulsChapter 20: Chase a dangerous foe away Daddy IssuesChapter 23: Resolve some long running familial tension JusticeChapter 25: Defeat one of your greatest enemies You were my brother...Chapter 27: Find the resolve to continue on The End of the EclipseBeat the game Running RiotDefeat 15 enemies with one unit in a single chapter Canon?Promote a character into the tier 3 corresponding to their tier 2 Here comes the cavalryDeploy 6 mounted units at once Bought the Battle PassUpgrade all of a unit's weapons to tier 4 Have you heard of the High Elves?Clear a chapter with Thae'Lanel, Corvan, or Maeve as your MVP Dodge TankHave a single unit dodge 20 or more times in one chapter You know, I'm something of a strategist myselfTake 25 or more turns to clear a chapter Thank you sir may I have anotherHave one unit take 50% of the team's damage in a chapter Structural IntegrityClear Chapter 7 while the aqueducts are over 50 health My rugs!Clear Chapter 12 while the boat is below 30 health Sweet Home RedhillEat corn with Benji I am speedProve your worth to King Varic in under 8 turns New visual novel, Dark DeityBeat the game on Mortal mode I can go the distanceBeat the game on Hero mode Checkmate, AtheistsBeat the game on Deity mode Dark DeityAcquire all other achievements