Dark Deception Achievements Full list of all 40 Dark Deception achievements.The base game contains 25 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 15 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Monkey KingEarn an S Rank in Monkey Business. 1 guideShard EnthusiastGet a streak of 100 shards in Monkey Business. 1 guideEagle EyesFound a secret in Monkey Business. 1 guideNot Monkeying AroundDon't die for 2 mins in Monkey Business. Service, Please!Rang the service bell 10 times. 1 guideToo Cool for SchoolEarn an S Rank in Elementary Evil. 1 guidePlaytime!Slid down the playground slide. 1 guidePeer into DarknessFound Agatha's hiding place. 1 guideAhead of the ClassBeat Elementary Evil without using any stun orbs. 1 guideSmarty PantsDidn't touch any fake portals. 1 guideThe Golden OneEarned an S Rank in Deadly Decadence. 1 guideFools Rush InKilled by every trap type in Deadly Decadence. 1 guideBushmasterCompleted the hedge maze in under 6 minutes. ObservantDidn't get killed by any traps. 1 guideWatching the WatchersWatched a Gold Watcher for 10 seconds Ducky Boss 1 guideOpen Door Policy 1 guideLucky Day 1 guideThey Float Smooth Moves 1 guideClown Prince 1 guideMultiplicity 1 guideNo Surprises Here 1 guideThe Last Laugh 1 guideSweet Tooth 1 guide Update Enhanced 642 120 12 0.008714 (16%) Unruly PatientEarn an S Rank in Torment Therapy 1 guideThe Bigger They AreDefeated the Matron. Blood DonorGave blood in the Needle Room. 1 guideEvasive ManeuversDidn't get killed by any traps. Stealthy SurvivorSneak by the Matron undetected. 1 guideThe LuckiestEarn an S Rank in Mascot Mayhem. 1 guideGoing VeganAvoid Penny's eggs in all zones. 1 guideA Joyful EndKilled by all 3 members of the Joy Joy Gang. 1 guideCamera ShyDid not trigger any cameras in Zone 1 TerminatedDefeated Joy Kill Problem ChildEarned an S Rank in Bearly Buried. 1 guideBearly NoticeableGot the first ring piece without dying. 1 guide Add-on Unknown Pack 97 30 3 0.005213 (25%) Rule BreakerDefeated Mama Bear 1 guideSmarter Than Your Average BearDidn't get killed by any traps. 1 guideNo Bear HugsNo deaths from Mama Bear in the mazes. 1 guide