CrimeCraft: Gang Wars Achievements Full list of all 46 CrimeCraft: Gang Wars achievements.The base game contains 42 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 4 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply One Star BadgeAchieve level 10. Two Star BadgeAchieve level 20. Three Star BadgeAchieve level 30. Four Star BadgeAchieve level 40. Five Star BadgeAchieve level 50. Respect from Your PeersAchieve 1000 PvP Score Respect on the StreetsAchieve 5000 PvP Score. Respect in the CityAchieve 10000 PvP Score Respect on the OutsideAchieve 20000 PvP Score Respect Around the WorldAchieve 30000 PvP Score SlasherKill 1000 enemy players with Melee attacks Ghostface KillerKill 2500 enemy players with Melee attacks Bada Bing, Bada Boom!Win 50 of any match type. Doin' Hard TimeAccumulate 1 day of instance gameplay. Runnin' the StreetsAccumulate 10 days of instance gameplay. The ImmortalAccumulate 100 days of instance gameplay. Lab JunkieChoose the Chemist profession. King CookBecome a Master Chemist of any kind. The OutfitterChoose the Tailor profession. Luigi VuittonBecome a Master Tailor of any kind. Gear GeekChoose the Engineer profession. The Engineer that CouldBecome a Master Engineer of any kind. ArmsdealerChoose the Gunsmith profession. Master of ArmsBecome a Master Gunsmith of any kind. GoodfellaAchieve position in PvP Life Ladder of atleast 500. Notorious GAchieve position in PvP Life Ladder of atleast 50. King of the JungleAchieve top 10 position in PvP Life Ladder. You da BossCreate a new Gang Sausage-FestGang has 30 or more Male Members Beaver ClubGang has 30 or more Female Members. Bi-CuriousGang has both 30 male and female members. Co-PilotComplete Bleedout Episode 1 Bleedout MasterComplete Bleedout Campaign (Episode 1 through 10) Key to the CityAchieve level 6 and gain access to Sunrise City. Eggs CollectorFind 1 Easter Egg from battles. Eggs ScavengerFind 10 Easter Eggs from battles. Eggs HunterFind 50 Easter Eggs from battles. Eggs HarvesterFind 200 Easter Eggs from battles. Eggs CrackerOpen 1 Easter Egg. Eggs LooterOpen 10 Easter Eggs Eggs MarauderOpen 100 Easter Eggs. Eggs DevourerOpen 500 Easter Eggs. Update The Great Gift Pile 14 10 1 0.00224225 (100%) Snow Ballin'Earn a total of 200 points from Snow Brawl matches. This match type can be found under the events tab in the battles menu. Update Title Update 71 30 3 0.009073 (81%) Santa's Little HelperGain a total of 500 points from Snow Brawl matches. Winter WarriorGain a total of 2000 points from Snow Brawl matches. Master ClausGain a total of 10000 points from Snow Brawl matches.