Coming Out on Top Achievements Here is the full list of all 32 Coming Out on Top achievements. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Milk DrinkerDrink milk like a boss. 1 guideDoin' It: Desk EditionGet busy on a desk. 1 guideTeacher's PetGet Alex's romantic ending. 1 guideDat AssTaste one of life's finer pleasures. 1 guidePlant KillerUproot a plant for a loved one. 1 guideIsn't It RomanticGet Amos's romantic ending. 1 guideCupcake Is GoodEnjoy a cupcake. 1 guideTouchdownGet Brad's romantic ending. 1 guideThe Powers That BeAttempt to take down your university's corrupt athletics department. 1 guideThe Bad Roommate, Part OneUse Ian's lube. 1 guideFriends and LoversGet Ian's romantic ending. 1 guideMonkeying AroundGo with Ian to South America. 1 guideMug ShotGet your mugshot taken. 1 guideAfter PartyGet Jed's sexual ending. 1 guideMusic MakerGet Jed's romantic ending. 1 guidePuttin' On The RitzWear a top hat. 1 guideTrivia BuffWin a game of trivia. 1 guideAlways FaithfulGet Phil's romantic ending. 1 guideLove Knows No BoundsRomance your pet fish. 1 guideWallbreakerBreak the fourth wall. 1 guideHonor RollGraduate with honors. 1 guideCavity SearchGet your cavity searched. 1 guideDestroyerDestroy a construction site. 1 guideJust DessertsTry an exotic ice cream flavor. 1 guideDarwin AwardJump up and down in a broken elevator. 1 guideFilm BuffMake it through the award winning film, "While I Sleep" 1 guideCookoldingCuckold someone for poor culinary skills. 1 guideSnip SnipSell a personal item that belongs to a famous pop star. 1 guideThe RickrollerCommit the crime of rickrolling. 1 guideHostage SituationSurvive a kidnapping. 1 guideSave the FishTake a laxative. 1 guideThe Bad Roommate, Part TwoUse Ian's toy. 1 guide