

Game action

Chime Achievements

Here is the full list of all 15 Chime achievements.

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  • Composer

    Completely fill the grid in Free Mode.

  • The Juggler

    Have 3 active quads onscreen at once.

  • Quick Off the Blocks

    Create a quad before the beatline has made its first pass of the level.

  • The Beast

    Create a quad containing 80 cells or more.

  • Big Bucks

    Score a total of 50 million points.

  • The Musician

    Find 6 different quad sounds on a level. Quads can be square, wide or tall, and either small or big.

  • Fast Mover

    Create 7 quads on the grid in one pass of the beatline.

  • Juggle Master

    Build up a score multiplier of 25 or more.

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