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Caviar Achievements

Here is the full list of all 7 Caviar achievements.

  • Sardine

    Snap a perfect picture of a sardine in its natural habitat. Your keen eye for detail captures the essence of this tiny fish in stunning clarity.

  • Tuna

    Track down and photograph a majestic tuna as it gracefully navigates the ocean depths. Your photography skills highlight the beauty and power of this iconic marine creature.

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  • Salmon

    Witness the extraordinary journey of a salmon as it swims upstream to spawn, and document this remarkable event with a stunning photograph. Your passion for nature photography shines through in this awe-inspiring image.

  • Whale

    Spot a majestic whale basking in the peacefulness of the ocean and capture its serene presence in a photograph. Your lens captures the quiet grace of these magnificent creatures.

  • Turtle

    Capture a serene moment of a turtle effortlessly navigating the tranquil blue, a testament to its harmonious existence within the ocean's embrace.

  • Prawn

    Spot a colorful prawn skimming through the water, showcasing the intricate patterns and vibrant life hidden beneath the waves.

  • Octopus

    Discover an octopus in its underwater domain, revealing the intelligence and adaptability of this eight-armed wonder through your lens.

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