Playthrough 1: The First Playthrough
In Cat Quest, you are required to do 5+ (+ indicates if any fails occur during MEW Game mode, later on) Playthroughs in order for you to 100% the Steam Achievements of Cat Quest on Steam.
Please note, in the first Playthrough, I have structured it in a way to avoid revealing spoilers as much as possible.
Part 1: The Dragonblood Origin
As a cat of unknown power heritage, deemed the Dragonblood, your goal is to rescue your sister. In the beginning, you are told to fight off a few enemies at Mewtown, your starting town. Two waves of enemies appear, both of which should be taken out fairly easy, as you do not have access to magic skills yet. After you've defeated the two waves of enemies, you will then be asked to go to your first Arcane Temple (you will need to visit all 7 to earn the above achievement for learning all 7 skills), and obtain Flamepurr, the best skill of the 7 available in Cat Quest.
Once you obtain the skill, one more enemy that is tougher will then spawn, defeat it by using a combination of melee attacks and Flamepurr (as the 3rd enemy encounter forced is a tutorial to using magic skills).
After that is done, go into The Catpital and defeat the 4th band of enemies that spawn, which then details your mission - save your sister and become powerful!
The game will then introduce you to Quest Boards, something you will need to do in order to earn a later achievement. Many of the quests in Cat Quest are chains, and are denoted by a yellow "?" on the map - check the recommended level before you attempt them.
In terms of the main quest, you will need to visit your first dungeon (a Level 1 dungeon), which has enemies and a small chest inside. All enemies inside the introduction dungeon can be defeated with no problems.
Part 2: The First Grind
After you clear your first dungeon, it is up to you what you want to do, but you need to level to at least 25 before you can take on the next part of the Main Quest, as the Main Quest tells you to defeat a dragon. There are multiple ways for you to get powerful - open world enemies are one way, but the key to know is, according to a Watch Tower (they give you tips, supposedly) is to complete Quests in Town Boards. What I did in my first playthrough was go for all of the quest lines, while repeatably killing the same enemies.
Some dungeons have Golden Chests inside, you will not be able to open those yet, so you will be repeating some dungeons. Focus first on experience and get to Level 20-30 (the higher the better, since if you go to the Main Quest Dragon, your companion spirits tell you to get much stronger, and indicate Quest Boards as your way to level, which is true.) Many of the dungeons along the way that do not require a certain ability (Water Walking) are tailored for between Level 1-30 - the higher the dungeon, the better the gear pieces.
If you obtain a duplicate item, it "levels up" the item instead to a slightly better item. Some items do have negative benefits but stronger positive benefits to counter the negative.
Item statistics include:
Armor/Armour (gray shield icon): Prevents damage and is slowly restored over time, does not protect from one shot kills.
Health (pink heart): Increases health of your cat. Only way to restore this is using Cat Naps in towns or using Healing Paw.
Attack (yellow sword): Increases melee attack damage. Some enemies are weak to this (stone golems usually), while others are weak to magic.
Magic Damage (purple swirl icon): Increases magic attack damage. Some enemies are weak to this (typically stone golems), while others are weak to physical attacks. Flamepurr does reduce an enemy's defense regardless of status, so use Flamepurr in most situational combat.
As you quest, you should also be receiving Experience (quests are listed as the best source of leveling up, but it will prove to not be true later), some Gear Items (if you obtain duplicates, it will just level them up instead), and a good amount of Gold Coins, in which you can use to level up Flamepurr. Prior to slaying the first Main Story Dragon, you should be able to obtain Flamepurr, Lightnyan (East Pawt), and Healing Paw (Bermewda's Triangle). The other four skills will be available to you later.
If you are keeping up with the Side Quests before you engage the first Main Story Dragon, all of the following should be completed:
All Mewtown Quests: This should be completed at or after Level 16
The first four quests in The Catpital: Other quests will recommend Level 30+, you will need to go back there later.
Fishercat's Friend: The Meat related Side Quest should be completed.
The Twin Towns Area: While confusing to most, it should be completed before you fight the first Dragon.
West and East Pawt: Not all can be completed right away, at least complete all sections with recommended level of 20 or lower. (5 or 6 should be able to be done)
The first quest of Kitmas (Christmas) at Queen's Resort, located near Bermewda's Triangle, which recommends Level 15.
Blacksmith Kit Kat's quest line: You should be able to do the four quests she has on her board before you fight the first Dragon.
If you did all of the above, you should be either 29 or 30 out of 62 Side Quests done.
After you've completed said quests and leveled up enough, go to the east area where the Main Quest tells you to, and defeat the Dragon using a combination of Flamepurr and melee attacks. You will then, have slain your first Dragon and then are told to slay two more!
Part 3: Water Walking
Follow your sister around a bunch of times until you are then instructed that the second dragon resides on water. This is when you learn that you must have Water Walking in order for you to access the second dragon.
You will then be told that someone at Pawt City has this ability, you will need to go around the Felinguard Lake to get to Pawt City. Near there, you will also see the Arcane Temple for Freezepaw, which is an essential ability going forward, head north of Felinguard Lake to get this ability, and you should be 4/7 for the Power of the Arcane achievement.
At Pawt City you should be Level 22 or so minimum, if you aren't you will need to grind dungeon enemies or return to West & East Pawt, since the Pawt City quest line recommends Level 28. Upon completion of the Pawt City quest line, you will then receive Water Walking.
Once receiving Water Walking, you will be allowed to go into water, this is when you should be able to attack the orange "head-like" kraken creatures in the water. While they have a fast attack speed, you can counter those with a combination of Flamepurr and Freezepaw.
As long as you've been leveling Flamepurr and Freezepaw, you'll then get to a point where you can go for the "Developer's Key"... needed to open the Golden Chests in the dungeons you've been wondering for some time now.
Before you go back to Mewtown, go to the isles south of West Pawt and you'll locate the Arcane Temple for Purrzerk, a crucial spell you need in progression. Purchase this immediately and you'll gain a damage boost for melee and spell damage temporarily. Level 1 increases the damage rating by 50%, max level increases this damage rating by 300%.
Make sure you have leveled Flamepurr to at least Level 6 before you go to the Founder's Island...
After you've done that, go to the Founder's Island located south of Mewtown.
The quest board there indicates that the quest for the key is Level 1, however, BE WARNED!
What you actually are doing is clearing a cave of "fake treasure chests" - they have lots of health and 1 shot you no matter your health! You must use a combination of Flamepurr and Freezepaw to deal with the chests. Do not engage too many at once, or you will have to dodge even more intensely. Small chests ALWAYS will do 999 damage, and the big chest will ALWAYS do 9999 damage. At Level 28-32, you'll likely have only 400 health, so yes, you will be 1-shot and marked dead at the start of the quest if you get hit by the chests.
Freezepaw slows their attack speed and movement speed enough to make the dodging more bearable, so use Flamepurr and Freezepaw frequently, while landing a few melee hits to keep your mana intact during the fight(s). Clear all the chests out to obtain the Golden Key. The Golden Key unlocks all those elusive Golden Chests in dungeons you've probably seen a few times!
Before you start hunting down the Golden Key treasures, go back into that same cave and defeat the mimics again. You are doing this for two reasons: One is to "clear" the dungeon which is required for a later achievement, but also on the opposite side, you'll find a hidden Golden Chest to unlock with your newly found Golden Key. This will be your first one to get!
After you've cleared that cave, go back to other dungeons with "Gold Chest" icons and open them for the treasures! Most of these are going to be unique towards the "collect all" gear achievement, but a few will be duplicates, which just boosts the level of those items.
(Note: Kit Kat Blacksmith shops have Golden Chests but require you to pay 5000 gold just for 1 random gear piece. It's not worth getting unless you have loads of gold after you max Flamepurr, Freezepaw and Purrzerk)
If you are, at least Level 35 after you've delved into the Golden Chest dungeons, go to Felinguard Lake and take down the 2nd dragon! To defeat the 2nd dragon quickly, use a combination of Flamepurr and Purrzerk, since the Blue Dragon is resistant to Freezepaw.
After that, you will then be told to find the power of flight in order to defeat the 3rd and final Dragon. Get ready for Part 4 of the First Playthrough!
Part 4: Legendary Encounters of the Sky and Deep
Part 4, Phase One: Power of the Treasure Cove
When you go north to Windmew City, you'll notice 2 Arcane Towers if you zoom out your map, one has the Cattrap ability, and the other has the Astropaw ability. You need to learn at least Level 1, and by then, you should have the Power of the Arcane achievement.
After that, next to the Astropaw Arcane Tower is a Pirate building which hints of Pirate Treasure.
These are the five hints in order:
The answer to this is to go to:
and Clue 5 will point you to this area, where the Pirate treasure is buried deep in water randomly northwest of the Ice Inlet.
Finding this will give you a gear piece with a high level. If the item is a duplicate, it will increase that items level substantially! (at least 33 levels). On MEW GAME mode, the item is guaranteed to be a "Guitar" weapon.
Part 4, Phase Two: Legendary Gear Piece: Willpower
You must have received the Golden Key to be able to do this phase of Part 4. (Read up to Part 3 on how to get the Golden Key)
Upon doing this, you'll notice a "?" icon in a bush in the Ice Islands near the Pirate Treasure location.
Dodge or eliminate traps along the way to reach the end of the Secret Cave. Use Lightnyan to eliminate the traps since most of them are positioned horizontally.
You will find a lone Experience orb that gives +777 EXP, but more importantly, the water is walkable, continue right...
If you continue right, you will see 2 golden chests, the first one contains a random item, and the second one, which has a Cattrap spike (eliminate with Lightnyan ability) contains the Legendary Gear piece: Willpower, which increases ATK by +333!
If you need a video, scroll further down to Part 5 on how to clear the dungeon and get Willpower.
Part 4, Phase Three: Dragonflight
Go to Windmew City and complete 4 quests around the region to obtain a quest called "Dragonflight" which recommends Level 55. Remember to keep leveling your cat before you take on these quests because the grand finale will really test your mettle!
After acquiring flight, go around the map, completing ALL current in-game quests (excluding a Level 99 quest at Final Rest, that may be difficult for you initially unless you put off the finale for after you earn the achievement...)
And then, you can go to the northeast, fly through a few thorns and engage the 3rd and final dragon.
Congratulations, you said slain the final dragon! Are you done yet?
Part 4, Phase Four: The Grand Finale
Nope, you are not done yet! Go back to the town you started in (Mewtown) to finish it off!
Fly to the Ice Island thorns and then, you begin the finale. This is the point of no return.
You'll need to kill multiple enemies in waves, with the last wave being empowered monsters that deal lots of damage.
Again, use the Freezepaw + Flamepurr/Purrzerk combo to take out the empowered monsters.
The game does then say, it is the point of no return once you enter the final region.
Enter the final region and take out more enemies... to learn of why you pursued your quest.
After you complete the main quest, you'll earn this achievement:
You also unlock what is called MEW GAME mode, which is a variation of New Game+.
Part 5: Before MEW GAME Mode
However, before you jump into MEW GAME mode, you should do the following things, since MEW GAME mode doesn't apply to your main playthrough and is a separate playthrough of its own.
Tasks 1 and 2 can be done before the conclusion of the main story, but you can do them after completion of the main story.
Task 1: Level to 99
The fastest way to level to Level 99 (99 is not the level cap, you can level past 99) is to farm in the Furbidden Fields. You will encounter enemies that use Cattraps and slow melee - the Cattraps hurt a lot and slow you down. Make sure to use nearby Cat Naps and grind your way to 99. This is only recommended if you are Level 75+. If you are not Level 75, go clear higher-level dungeons (like the ones recommending Level 40-60) after clearing the Main Quest to reach 75+. The Furbidden Fields enemies have a skull icon until you reach Level 90, but they aren't life threatening if you dodge and use Freezepaw/Flamepurr/Purrzerk wisely.
Bunch them up in packs of 2-3 to efficiently eliminate them with precision. Do not forget to use melee attacks in the middle to keep mana filled enough to use the triple combo of Freezepaw, then Purrzerk, then Flamepurr!
Each of the Furbbiden Fields enemies drops 3 experience orbs giving about roughly 2400 XP per orb each.
If you are impatient and want to do this quickly, after a Cat Nap, save and "quit game", then reload with Continue (not MEW GAME) to rinse and repeat.
After you've probably cycled the Furbidden Fields a few times around, you should be at or near Level 99. You can also take on "The Furbidden History" for one of your later clears and combo the two actions together for faster efficiency!
And this achievement then pops up when you do it:
Task 2: Complete all Side Quests
There are a total of 62 Side Quests. Many of them you should have done on your way to completing the Main Quest, but there are a few stand outs you may have missed:
Stand Outs:
"The Forgotten Hero" - Level 70 on the Death Isles
You first have to collect 3 items of interest on the board:
A Paper Bag - Go to Windmew City first, then you are told to go to a watch tower to get this item. Of course, you also do something suspicious (sus) to that guard...
A Blue Scarf - You have to clear out any of the 3 dungeons it points you to. One dungeon is Level 45, one dungeon is Level 50, and the final option, the "End of the World" is Level 99. Clear any one to earn the Blue Scarf.
A Wooden Sword - Just fly to Windmew City to get this. Nothing more than that!
After you've acquired those 3 items, you go back to the Death Isles to fight a bunch of smaller adds, which are easily countered with Flamepurr.
For some humorous reason, completion of this points out something called "Slashy Hero", which is actually another game that the developers (The Gentlebros) actually released on Steam (lol).
Completion of this earns 3 set piece items, required for the Fashionista Lion achievement below: The Slashy Head, The Slashy Scarf, and The Slashy Sword.
"Legend of the Pawtato" - Level 70 at the Pawtato Farm
Northeast of Windmew City is a place called Pawtato Farm. Here, you are then told to go back to Windmew City to find out why Pawtatoes are threatening. This turns into a simple "talk to other NPC's quest", but upon finding out what Pawtatoes have to do with growing in Felinguard, you then return to the Pawtato Farm to find a variety of enemies spawned at the Pawtato Farm, with one of those enemies being a Large Arcane Dragon. Defeat everything on that island to complete this quest. The quest also drops a Gentleman's Hat gear piece, which you may have received in a different quest or dungeon, so picking the item up will just level up the hat.
"The Furbidden History" - Level 99 in Final Rest
This quest has 4 phases - You absolutely must have good gear (at least all 3 Legendary pieces, possibly - go to Task 3 if you need help finding them) and a high level (at least 92, if you did Task 1 first, even better!)
NOTE: During this quest you will be attacked periodically by the Furrbidden Fields enemies. They only do Cattraps and timed melee attacks, just dodge and use Flamepurr + Purrzerk. These are the same enemies used in Task 1.
Phase 1: Fire dragons appear, counter those with Freezepaw + Flamepurr with Purrzerk. 3 Small Flame Dragons, followed by a large Flame Dragon.
Phase 2: Ice dragons appear, counter those with Flamepurr + Purrzerk. Again, 3 Small Frost Dragons, followed by a large Frost Dragon.
Phase 3: Arcane dragons appear, use the same as Ice Dragons, Flamepurr + Purrzerk. For a third time, defeat 3 smaller Arcane Dragons, followed by a large Arcane Dragon.
Phase 4: Follow around the Furbidden Fields and defeat a minion in the center of the large triangle.
Completion awards Crappy Armor (not a joke), but most importantly, all 3 Champion Gear pieces, which are required for the Fashionista Lion achievement below.
"Everyone's Invited!" - Level 65 - Queen's Resort
"Merry Kitmas!" - Level 75 - Queen's Resort
Everyone's Invited should just be considered a "fetch" quest, you just have to go around the world finding known people you have encountered in the story to go to the Queen's Resort.
As for Merry Kitmas, you will have to go to the Ice Islets to rescue a certain NPC... and by doing this, you will uncover the 3 Holiday themed items for Fashionista Lion.
If you are not sure if you've cleared everything, refer to the achievement "guide" for Saviour of the Cats for a full list of what has to be done for the achievement. Do not forget to zoom out your map in case you see a yellow ? icon on your map, complete that quest in that board!
Assuming you've done everything, you will have then, earned:
Task 3: Clear all dungeons
You need to "clear" each dungeon on the map. To clear a dungeon, you must acquire all chests in a dungeon and also eliminate all enemies in that same run. Enemies do respawn in dungeons even when they are "cleared".
The Gamma Ruins (Level 20)
This dungeon is one you may have cleared, but there are tricks to how to get the chests. Follow the arrows in the images.
First, the Basic Chest path - go around to the right and back left to get to the chest.
There is also a Golden Chest there too that requires you to go diagonally from the most bottom platform to get to the chest to open.
Dragon's Rest - Level 45
There is a hidden path that is very difficult to spot. See this image below to get the Golden Chest.
The Xi Ruins - Level 75
There is a hidden path after clearing the dungeon that requires you to go right and then down to find a hidden Golden Chest. See this image below.
The Pi Ruins - Level 85
This one is a little creative to do, enclosed is a video I recorded on how to do this one.
This dungeon does encourage you to level your Lightnyan spell - be sure to have done that before you enter. (you will need it to slay some enemies, but you cannot retrieve their loot or experience orbs, it's not possible)
The dungeon also contains a Small Chest and a Golden Chest, both not seen in the video, but to get to both of the chests, follow the path taken around the islands to get the chests.
The Secret Cave - Level 0 (not really)
This dungeon will require you to use a spell to break all the traps. I suggest using Lightnyan to do this - all others may be difficult to hit the center. There is a treasure chest along the way you can hit to regen your mana, don't kill the chest right away (don't forget to dodge the chest's attack) so you can eliminate all the traps on the map to clear that dungeon.
I have created a video on how to do this efficiently:
If you equip gear pieces, aim for gear pieces with negative, none or low ATK rating so you can use the Treasure Chest to get the mana needed to take out the Cattrap Spikes. When you are fighting the lone treasure chest, do not kill it first run through, let it retreat (as shown in the video), then kill it the 2nd time around. The final spike in the video does have the Legendary Gear piece, Willpower (even if the chest is not in the video, I've already collected it.)
The Hidden Cave - Level 99
While true to its number, the dungeon's main enemies are a pair of large Flame Dragons that deal lots of damage. Like the main stories first of 3 dragons, they attack in the same manner without the additional "adds". You will need to take out both Flame Dragons in order to access one of the Golden Chests and a Small Chest. You will then realize you have not cleared the dungeon of enemies yet since the Cleared text did not appear on your screen. That is because if you go to the right, you'll notice another lone XP orb, identical to the Secret Cave where if you walk right, you'll encounter a 2nd Golden Chest and a large Frost Dragon. Taking out the large Frost Dragon then clears the dungeon. Most importantly, taking out the large Frost Dragon accesses a 2nd Golden Chest, which contains the Legendary Gear Piece: Faith, which gives you +333 MAG (Magic) statistic for the Head piece.
The Lonely Cave - Level 200
This is a false detail - the only enemy that is "level 200" is a beast that heals and does high damage, with the usual 3 combination: Freezepaw to Purrzerk + Flamepurr, all Max, you can take down said Level 200 enemy no problem to get the Legendary Gear piece, Courage which gives you +333 HP (Health) statistic for the Chest piece.
Conclusion of Task 3:
Aside from the dungeons I've pointed out in Task 3, some of the other dungeons/ruins may have hidden paths that I couldn't replay or rediscover without starting over. Just remember to walk your cat around the edges of the map, and if you end up in the water, you are going to find some form of hidden secret chest that you need to open, or a hidden enemy that you may need to kill to clear the dungeon.
If you do see either a White "?" Icon or a Yellow Chest Icon on the dungeon cave/ruin entrance, the Dungeon is NOT Cleared.
Clearing all 52 dungeons of enemies and chests earns you the dungeon clear achievement:
Task 4: Find all Gear (not including Old Master's Gear, that is a later part)
If you've been doing quests and dungeons with gold chests, you will find a variety of gear pieces. In order for you to get all the gear pieces for an achievement, all quests detailed in Task 2 and all dungeons detailed in Task 3 with all Golden Chests must be completed. Getting duplicates will not count for the achievement below.
If you have completed all Side Quests in Part 5, Task 2, and cleared all the dungeons in Part 5, Task 3, you should have all 68 items. The items do not have to be max level but acquiring them is all you need!
The Merry Kitmas storyline has 5 parts, and the final quest gives you 3 items:
The worst case scenario is if you missed one or do not want to figure out which one, you can "gamble" at a Kit Kat's Blacksmith shop, each roll costs 50 or 5,000 Gold (50 is a standard chest, 5,000 is for a gold chest) to get a shot at whatever gear you missed.
Just browse through your inventory until you have the numbers mentioned. Items appear in pages of 12, so you should have 5 full pages and 1 page with 8 items to complete the collection and earn another achievement:
This set of pictures above actually has 71 items, this does include the Old Master's Gear, which is earned in MEW GAME mode (Playthroughs 2, 3 and 4), but you only need the other 68 items to earn the achievement below:
Playthrough 2: MEW GAME mode - Playthrough 1 of 4
For this section, you will need to activate a modifier in order and beat only the main story quest in order to clear a MEW GAME playthrough. This part has 4 playthroughs due to the playthroughs requiring certain amounts of difficulty.
First off, we will start with the Stronger Enemies modifier.
Stronger enemies makes enemies have slightly more health and deal more damage. MEW GAME Mode also changes all the spawns of enemies into slightly tougher variants of original enemies in Playthrough 1, therefore, you might want to pay attention to the variants.
They do also tell you how fast you do the completed mode, but simply play the same way you did in Playthrough 1, defeating enemies, completing quests, and taking on the challenges within to survive!
In MEW GAME Mode, all playthroughs done with this do not force you to learn Water Walking - the ability is learned immediately after you take down the enemy that spawns when you learn Flamepurr.
What to do first:
Obtain Flamepurr and kill the forced enemy, avoid the Catpital (you will return here shortly), but divert to the Lonely Cave dungeon (the Level 200 dungeon). Do not engage the big beast there that is Level 200, that will kill you instantly - instead, simply stay to the left to get a gear piece that is random - but is Level 20, which will speed up your kills (depending on if it's an ATK or MAG piece.)
Bare in mind some gear pieces have negative stats, so play around that modifier. If its an ATK piece, you can combine Flamepurr with melee attacks the same way you did in Playthrough 1.
Once you equip whatever item that you get, engage the Catpital forced enemies and then the main quest starts.
When the main quest starts, go to the island in the southwest that has Purrzerk and learn that spell with 50 gold. Do not forget that you can upgrade any spell in any Arcane Temple after you've learned the Level 1 variant of that spell.
In MEW GAME Mode, all you have to do is finish the main story (again). Stronger enemies modifier is the easiest of the 4 "gameplay modifiers" and therefore can be taken slowly.
One of the best ways to level fast is to go "fishing" in the main ocean - watch out for the Green Dragons, those hurt even more then the Orange "heads" in the water. While Orange "heads" attack fast, you can counter that with Freezepaw. Make sure you learned Flamepurr, Purrzerk, and Freezepaw before diving in. Once you've wiped all of the ocean enemies into their watery grave, Cat Nap at any city and reload your game.
Always remember to level your spells (again, you can level your spells in any Arcane Temple after you've learned Level 1 of that particular spell in their respective temple). If you do it wisely, you probably can take out enemies faster.
The gameplay flow is the same for this playthrough - Learn Flamepurr -> Slay first dragon (now recommends maybe Level 25 instead of 20 due to Stronger enemies) -> Slay second dragon (I believe you can do this at 40) -> Learn Dragonflight (Level 50) -> Slay final dragon (Level 55+) -> Complete the finale (I did it at Level 65 on that playthrough).
Upon completion of the first MEW GAME Playthrough, you will acquire an item called the Old Master's Armor as well as earn the achievement below:
This item will come in handy in a later playthrough...
Playthrough 3: MEW GAME Mode - Playthrough 2 of 4 (May be increased if fails occur)
In the second of 4 playthroughs of MEW GAME Mode, this one is for the 2nd piece of the Old Master's Gear Set, the Ragnarok Sword.
You will be running the Stronger Enemies modifier again, but for your 2nd one, you need to enable Nine Lives.
What Nine Lives does is each time you die, you lose a life. If you die 9 times, you fail and have to start over from the beginning.
For this run, copy the same elements as Playthrough 2 but be way more cautious!
Remember to do content that you are comfortable with on this playthrough, because for Playthrough 4, you will be using Nine Lives one more time.
Once you complete the finale, a chest will appear giving you the Ragnarok Sword, the 2nd of 3 Old Master's Gear items, and you will also earn the achievement: Nine Lives.
Prepare for trouble - Playthrough 4 may be a challenge depending how you face it.
Playthrough 4: MEW Game Mode - Playthrough 3 of 4 (May be increased if fails occur)
You can do Playthrough 4 in one of two ways:
Stronger Enemies, Nine Lives, Naked Cat (What I did)
Stronger Enemies, Nine Lives, Level One (An alternative way)
Naked Cat makes it so you cannot equip items, and therefore makes you have to overlevel your cat to complete the main story, and honestly with how gearing is done (being extremely random and expensive in gold), I find it easier to do since Level One modifier locks your level to Level 1 and you have to rely on Gear drops and upgrades for you to progress.
Choosing Naked Cat makes it so you do not have to go for the Golden Key on Founder's Island also, therefore reducing your risk of easily losing a life to the 1-shot Treasure Chests.
If you chose Level One instead of Naked Cat, you will be prepared to grind a lot of dungeons for Gold, since that will be your main source of statistics in order for you to complete the playthrough.
I personally believe Naked Cat is easier because on Playthrough 5, you will get to enjoy all the hard work you paid off for.
No matter what you chose to do - you will earn either of the two achievements based on your choice, assuming you survived the main story without dying more than 9 times:
AND, on top of that, you will also uncover the Old Master's Helm for using 3 modifiers in your run, which will grant you:
Final Playthrough: You Did It!
What a doozy, right?
Anyways, for your final playthrough, enable Furry Armored and Naked Cat OR Level One (whichever modifier you did not use in Playthrough 4).
If you did Level One, you have to enable Naked Cat, and you won't get to enjoy the Old Master's Gear...
If you did Naked Cat, you have to enable Level One, but you get to use the Old Master's Gear!
Old Master's Gear increases ATK, MAG and Armor/Armour, but does not increase your HP, meaning you can get 1 shot, but because you do not have to run Nine Lives anymore, dying is not a curse anymore!
Just simply complete the main story one more time, and you should earn:
After that, congratulations, you have completed Cat Quest 100%! Enjoy your well-earned 100% to your collection.
This game is pretty good to be honest. I recommend it.
Thanks for reading to the end of my first walkthrough contribution to TrueSteamAchievements. Sure this took me many weeks to do, but I promise, top quality is what I seek out for when writing these.
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