Game action
Cat Attack
Hawk Zombie

Hawk Zombie

15 Oct 23
Hawk Zombie

Cat Attack Achievements

Here is the full list of all 34 Cat Attack achievements.

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  • Houses and Humans

    Take control of the humans by getting through the cat adventure.

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  • It SEEMS Powerful...

    Obtain the cursed ring from battling a mysterious character.

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  • Big Spender

    Spend 10,000 GP to uncurse the ring, rather than uncurse it yourself. It's weaker than it would be if you uncursed it!

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  • Get That Ship!

    Spend 5,000 GP and purchase the Ship, allowing access to the other continents/islands.

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  • Save the Brat

    Save the spoiled princess by climbing Darfus Tower and defeating Captain Argor.

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  • Huh-Huh!

    Recruit Dave into your party by giving William the GSB after having rescued Mary. (Or by giving him the 2-Liter of Sprite!)

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  • Ihh! Ihh!

    Recruit William into your party by giving him the GSB without having rescued Mary. (Or giving him Coffee if you have Mary and Dave.)

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  • Airship Time!

    Repair the broken bridge and find the airship. Now you can travel anywhere in the world!

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