Cassette Beasts Achievements Here is the full list of all 123 Cassette Beasts achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply This Is The World We Live InComplete the tutorial Counting SheepObtain Bansheep 1 guideI Want CandyObtain Candevil 1 guideSum of its PartsDefeat a Rogue Fusion Monster MashDefeat a Swarm Don't Feed After MidnightDefeat an Unstable Fusion That's No MoonDefeat an Orb Fusion Gone RogueDefeat 5 Rogue Fusions Rogue CellsDefeat 10 Rogue Fusions Rogues' GalleryDefeat 20 Rogue Fusions Rogue StateDefeat 50 Rogue Fusions TouristVisit every part of New Wirral Amateur ZoologistObserve 120 different species Zoologist, pt. IObtain 10 different species Zoologist, pt. IIObtain 20 different species Zoologist, pt. IIIObtain 50 different species Zoologist, pt. IVObtain 100 different species Expert ZoologistObtain 120 different species Cassette Beasts MasterObtain additional data on every species Beastly BootlegObtain a Beast-type bootleg Fiery BootlegObtain a Fire-type bootleg Toy BootlegObtain a Plastic-type bootleg Leafy BootlegObtain a Plant-type bootleg Aquatic BootlegObtain a Water-type bootleg Venomous BootlegObtain a Poison-type bootleg Cosmic BootlegObtain an Astral-type bootleg Frosty BootlegObtain an Ice-type bootleg Shocking BootlegObtain a Lightning-type bootleg Windy BootlegObtain an Air-type bootleg Stony BootlegObtain an Earth-type bootleg Iron BootlegObtain a Metal-type bootleg Clear BootlegObtain a Glass-type bootleg Sparkly BootlegObtain a Glitter-type bootleg Spread Your WingsObtain the Mothwing Glide ability Bulletino DashObtain the Bulletino Dash ability Electric FeelObtain the Electromagnetism ability Swimming LessonsObtain the Diveal Swim ability Having a BallObtain the Pumpkin Vine Ball ability Taking FlightObtain the Averevoir Flight ability Fusions on the RadarGet the Fusion Radar Pinnacle of EvolutionObtain a monster form thought impossible to find. 1 guideTake Me On, pt. ISign up to the Rangers Rumour MillObtain a rumour On the GrapevineInvestigate a rumour KayleighUnlock Kayleigh MeredithUnlock Meredith EugeneUnlock Eugene FelixUnlock Felix ViolaUnlock Viola BarkleyUnlock Barkley RemasteryRemaster a tape I Ran So Far Away, pt. IStart Kayleigh's quest Acting On Your Best Behavior, pt. IClear 1 Landkeeper office Acting On Your Best Behavior, pt. IIClear 2 Landkeeper offices Acting On Your Best Behavior, pt. IIIClear 3 Landkeeper offices Acting On Your Best Behavior, pt. IVClear 4 Landkeeper offices Acting On Your Best Behavior, pt. VClear 5 Landkeeper offices Don't You Want Me, pt. IMeet Kuneko Don't You Want Me, pt. IIMeet Kuneko at 1 altar Don't You Want Me, pt. IIIMeet Kuneko at 2 altars Don't You Want Me, pt. IVMeet Kuneko at 3 altars Don't You Want Me, pt. VMeet Kuneko at 4 altars TempestBring Viola to the shipwreck I Ran So Far Away, pt. IIComplete Kayleigh's quest Acting On Your Best Behavior, pt. VIComplete Eugene's quest All I Ever NeededComplete Meredith's quest Don't You Want Me, pt. VIComplete Felix's quest Come Back and StayComplete Barkley's quest Everybody's Looking for SomethingComplete Viola's quest Let Me Serenade YouGet to 5 hearts with Kayleigh Grand OpeningGet to 5 hearts with Eugene Movie NightGet to 5 hearts with Meredith A Portrait of the ArtistGet to 5 hearts with Felix Dog's Best FriendGet to 5 hearts with Barkley As You Like ItGet to 5 hearts with Viola Two Hearts Beat as OneEnter a romantic relationship Heed My WordsSolve the riddle of Morgante's song. Ticket to RideReopen every station Arrow of TimeDefy all odds in a place between worlds. RebellionDefeat an ancient force brought back to full strength. Angel of DeathDefeat Lamento Mori Neoplatonic SolidDefeat Heckahedron Child of EgoDefeat Alice Master of PuppetsDefeat Poppetox Tower of IgnoranceDefeat Babelith Land of ConfusionComplete Morgante's song Here Comes the SunOvercome the essence of fusion. The Station AttendantMeet the one who dutily attends the stations. A Long Way from HomeFind a helping hand in a place far away. The One Who Lies BeneathCome face-to-face with a faceless being. Can't Buy Me LoveMeet the Travelling Merchant Back Against the WallDefeat Captain Wallace One World's TrashDefeat Captain Skip Sleep It OffDefeat Captain Zedd Prepare for AnythingDefeat Captain Judas Winner Takes AllDefeat Captain Clee-O ElectrifyingDefeat Captain Lodestein Beyond the VeilDefeat Captain Penny Dreadful On a Knife-EdgeDefeat Captain Gladiola Stormy WeatherDefeat Captain Heather Break a SweatDefeat Captain Buffy The Radio StarDefeat Captain Cybil Hack The PlanetDefeat Captain Codey Take Me On, pt. IIDefeat Ianthe and become a Ranger Captain Working OvertimeChoose a design for Harbourtown's sign How Does It FeelHelp Sunny start a new life On the HuntHelp Hoylake with his research Who You Gonna Call?Defeat a ghost Frankie Goes to WonderlandComplete Frankie's training Lone WolfComplete Vin's training Novice RangerComplete 5 noticeboard quests Apprentice RangerComplete 20 noticeboard quests Diligent RangerComplete 50 noticeboard quests Expert RangerComplete 100 noticeboard quests Sticker CollectorObtain a rare sticker Not What You WantedFind yourself somewhere far away. Real Life AwaitsOpen a door long since thought lost. In Over Your HeadTry to sneak past a battler by jumping over their head Over Before It BeganWin a battle before it starts Death Shall Have No DominionWin a battle while ghostly Double or QuitsWin a battle while Gambit is active Falldown MallBring Meredith to the mall Hero of Another StoryProve your worth to a certain warrior.