Card Shark Achievements Here is the full list of all 52 Card Shark achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Tardy OptimistLoiter mid-game in a backroom or cellar. Earning Your KeepPull off the first scam of your journey. Hide adsJack Of All TradesEarn every Strategy Card in the game. From Rags To RichesHold on to 1500 coins. A Slippery SlopeIncrease the bet at least twice. At Least The Hay Is ComfortableBe bested by the three losers in the barn. Butter FingersFail every technique at least once. I Can See My Face In This!Wipe the table for 5 seconds. The MasochistDie in 6 different ways. Cake Costs CoveredSpare money for the camp fund. Erdnase, Who?Finish the game without losing a single round. Mortal UsurperTake a seat in the Lady of Bones’ throne. Social ButterflyEncounter every character in the game. Hat TrickComplete 3 card tosses in a row. The Rambling ManWalk a total of 1000 steps. Sloppy ServiceMake a glass overflow 5 times. Look At Me. I Am The Comte Now!You got the stronger hand, for once. The Sticky CardGive yourself the card you kept back in Sticky Hand. The HedgehogInjog 5 times in the same deck. A Lucky Streak?Win 7 tables in a row. Death-BothererGreet the Lady of Bones 10 times. Back From The BrinkReturn to the world of the living for the first time. LandlubberPay the full price of the voyage. Spoil-SportFind the Queen in the introduction to Three Card Monte. To Me!Toast yourself. Hot SeatFling a card on the Colonel's seat. Early PointillismMark a card with 8 or more paint marks. Pipped At The PostGet caught cheating during the final round in Versailles. Brains And BrawnTrain with the Chevalier without making a mistake. Not For SaleInspect all the paintings in Belle's workshop. This Casino Ain't Big Enough For The Two Of UsSabotage the other cheat's ploy. Comedy MacabreBring a joyful tear to Death's eye. Croupier For HirePerfectly time your deal. Do I Know You?Test the limits of your disguise. Comeback KidBeat Theodore at his game. What Goes Around Comes AroundPut the Red Lion in a cage. Long Live The KingCheat for the King during the final round in Versailles. Striking OutCheat for yourself during the final round in Versailles. Vive La RévolutionCheat for the Comte during the final round in Versailles. The Hero With A Thousand FacesCheat for Erdnase during the final round in Versailles. Let The Chips Fall Where They MayPlay honestly during the final round of Versailles. No Stone Left UnturnedReplay the game after finishing it. Playtime Is OverSkip 5 tutorials. Corrective MeasuresCorrect one of your shuffling mistakes. Speed DemonBeat Card Shark's tester's time (2:12:40). Now For A Lie DownComplete the last tutorial of the game. Pearl StirrerTurn the bandits against each other. Ms Porterhouse AvengedRidicule Colonel Gabriel. Party TrickMaster the Ineffective Shuffle. 3 Stab MonteEncounter the sharp end of the countryside. In The End, Death Takes It All.Give your save file to the Lady of Bones. The Camp's CaretakerTeach Kepplinger a lesson.