Camera Obscura Achievements Full list of all 45 Camera Obscura achievements.The base game contains 44 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 1 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 45 Offline Mode 45 Single Player 2 Community 6 Main Storyline 4 Collectable 4 Cumulative + 1 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply SpelunkerCompleted the Lower Quarter. CitizenCompleted the Common Quarter. AristocratCompleted the Royal Quarter. ResolutionCompleted the Summit. Taking Off the Lens CapLaunched the game. Camera ShyEarned the Bronze flash medal or better on every level. RecluseEarned the Silver flash medal or better on every level. Thomas PynchonEarned the Gold flash medal on every level. 100 ISOEarned the Bronze time medal or better on every level. 800 ISOEarned the Silver time medal or better on every level. 1600 ISOEarned the Gold time medal on every level. RaiderEarned all Bronze medals or better on each Lower Quarter level. ArchaeologistEarned all Silver medals or better on each Lower Quarter level. Howard CarterEarned all Gold medals on each Lower Quarter level. LaborerEarned all Bronze medals or better on each Common Quarter level. OrganizerEarned all Silver medals or better on each Common Quarter level. Mary JonesEarned all Gold medals or better on each Common Quarter level. GovernessEarned all Bronze medals or better on each Royal Quarter level. PrincessEarned all Silver medals or better on each Royal Quarter level. Queen VictoriaEarned all Gold medals on each Royal Quarter level. HikerEarned all Bronze medals or better on each Summit level. MountaineerEarned all Silver medals or better on each Summit level. Sir Edmund HillaryEarned all Gold medals on each Summit level. PhotographerTook 1000 photos. ShutterbugTook 2500 photos. Ansel AdamsTook 5000 photos. ScrapbookerFound 25% of the mementos. LibrarianFound 50% of the mementos. ArchivistFound 75% of the mementos. Damnatio Memoriae ImmunisFound every memento. DeathFinished the game and saw Ending A. DespairFinished the game and saw Ending B. DeliveranceFinished the game and saw Ending D. JerkKilled one of the tower's denizens. MonsterKilled two creatures at once. PsychoKilled 100 creatures. Spiced CiderFell all the way down a level multiple times. Second ThoughtsHesitated before the Tower. That's No Turtle!Tried to jump on a creature. Under PressureDied by being crushed against a flash. It's Not the FallFell onto a creature from great height. Go with the FlowAscend the Dilapidated Steps without crushing any slimes. Photo ShoppeCreate a custom level in the level editor. Vacation PhotosComplete 5 custom level packs from the Steam Workshop. Update Title Update 53 10 1 0.005050 (100%) HasteFinished the game and saw Ending C.