Call of Duty: WWII - Multiplayer Achievements Full list of all 55 Call of Duty: WWII - Multiplayer achievements.The base game contains 35 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 20 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 5 Online Mode 50 Online/Offline 50 Single Player 48 Cooperative 5 Versus 9 Collectable 5 Cumulative + 3 Level 3 Shop 1 Time/Date 1 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Buck PrivateGet 10 kills in Multiplayer while playing online. Ricky RecruitComplete 21 daily challenges in Headquarters. General of the ArmyEnter Prestige 1 in Multiplayer while playing online. 1 guideTour of DutyWin 5 War matches in Multiplayer while playing online. Divisional CommanderPrestige a Division in Multiplayer while playing online. FireworksIn The Final Reich, retrieve the artifact. Dark Reunion Pressure CookerIn Prologue, survive until wave twenty. Red MistIn The Final Reich, get ten kills from a single Bomber’s explosion. Dark Arts Strike!In The Final Reich, knock over ten zombies with a Wüstling charge. Lurking Around Undertaker Lightning Handler White Knuckles Ride of the CenturyIn The Tortured Path, complete 100 objective waves. I Have the Power I'll Be Home for ChristmasIn The Tortured Path, successfully escape from Beneath the Ice. Over EngineeredIn The Tortured Path, collect 25 Engineered Parts. Sea SickIn The Tortured Path, successfully escape from Across the Depths. We've Only Just BegunIn The Tortured Path, successfully escape from Into the Storm. David, Meet GoliathIn The Tortured Path, defeat the Guardian solo. Uber Lurker B.A.T. Elite Extra Tortured Path The Final DescentIn The Frozen Dawn, enter the lost city of Thule. Superior Thulian TechnologyIn The Frozen Dawn, unlock the Ancient Ubersprengen Blood Transfusion Go Long! Moonraven's ChosenIn The Frozen Dawn, survive the trials of the Moonraven. Bloodraven's ChosenIn The Frozen Dawn, survive the trials of the Bloodraven. Deathraven's ChosenIn The Frozen Dawn, survive the trials of the Deathraven. Stormraven's ChosenIn The Frozen Dawn, survive the trials of the Stormraven. Weapon LordIn The Frozen Dawn, kill 100 zombies with each Raven Weapon in a single match. Kingfall Add-on The Resistance 299 100 10 5.0032563 (19%) Making History Black Winds to Darker Lands Severe Pommeling Own the Fog, Be the FogIn The Darkest Shore, kill a Meuchler in the fog. The Bakers Dozen MassacreIn The Darkest Shore, line up and kill 13 zombies with one Ripsaw shot. Going Up...In The Darkest Shore, unlock the Ubersprengen. Still LurkingIn The Darkest Shore, find and shoot Dr. Straub. Always on SpineIn The Darkest Shore, rip out the spine of every Zombie type. I Got ThisIn The Darkest Shore, survive the initial beach rush without using any machine gun turrets. This Damn IslandIn The Darkest Shore, explore the entire island. Add-on The War Machine 301 100 10 5.0015062 (41%) Stadtjger Down Das ist gutIn The Shadowed Throne, find the Ubersprengen. Ballistics Be DamnedIn The Shadowed Throne, reach wave 15 using only melee weapons. Something WunderfulIn The Shadowed Throne, kill 50 Gekocht with the special weapon in one match. Putting on a ShowIn The Shadowed Throne, keep a Gekocht alive on the stage for 1 minute. Ammo ConservationIn The Shadowed Throne, obtain the Blade without firing a gunshot. Not a PrayerIn The Shadowed Throne, after round 20, survive at least two full rounds without anyone leaving the church. This Belongs in a MuseumIn The Shadowed Throne, while inside the museum, kill 250 zombies with the Blade in a single match. Equal Opportunity DestroyerIn The Shadowed Throne, collect geistkraft from each zombie type in a single match. LumberjackIn The Shadowed Throne, kill a Wustling using each melee weapon in a single match.