Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer Achievements Here is the full list of all 51 Call of Duty: Ghosts Multiplayer achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 51 Online/Offline 50 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 42 Difficulty Specific 20 Stackable 11 Collectable 2 Cumulative + 2 Shop 6 Level 1 Multiple Playthroughs Required 51 Cooperative 4 Versus 3 Time/Date 1 x4 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply No Man LeftEscape with all four players SprinterReach the exfil chopper with 1 minute and 30 seconds or more remaining on the clock. Made it Out AliveEscape 1st time CompletionistComplete all Extinction challenges and escape. Cabin FeverMake it to the cabin. City DwellerMade it to the city. Any Means necessaryGet 50 kills with the electric fence and fire traps in a single game. Trash PickerScavenge 40 items in a single game. Throttled EscapeEscape using a relic. SafeguardReach round 20 in Safeguard. Pushing AheadGain access to the Compound area in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Weapon FacilityGain access to the Facility in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Survived NightfallKill the Breeder for the first time in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Speed SlayerKill the Breeder in less than 5 minutes in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Turnabout is Fair PlayKill 50 Cryptids with the Venom-X weapon in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Nightfall CompletionistComplete all challenges and kill the Breeder in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Throttled SurvivalKill the Breeder while using a Relic in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Phantom ExterminatorKill 5 Phantoms in one game in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Pea ShooterKill a Rhino with only a pistol in Nightfall in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Undiscovered TruthsFind all the intel hidden in Nightfall. Egg-stra XP!Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then destroy a hive in the Onslaught DLC package. 1 guideThe Belly of the BeastReach the cargo area in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Come Up For AirReach the top deck in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Survived MaydayKill the Kraken for the first time in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Upping the AnteKill the Kraken using a Relic in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Mayday CompletionistComplete all Challenges and kill the Kraken in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Inquisitive MindFind all of the Intel in Mayday. DeforestationKill 15 Seeder Turrets in one game in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Big Game TrapperUse a hypno trap to turn a Rhino friendly in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Egg-stra Devastation!Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then destroy a hive in the Devastation DLC package. 1 guideThe ArchitectSuccessfully build all of the Schematics in Mayday in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Targets AcquiredGet past the first gate in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. A Bridge To SomewhereExtend the bridge in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Escaped AwakeningEscape Awakening for the first time in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Twice The FunEscape Awakening using two Relics in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Awakening CompletionistComplete all Challenges and escape Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. SpelunkerFind all of the Intel in Awakening. Dog FightKill a Gargoyle with the Vanguard in Awakening in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Egg-stra Awakening!Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then scan an obelisk in the Invasion DLC package. 1 guideLike A GloveKill 5 cryptids with the Ark attached to every compatible weapon in Awakening in Regular\Hardcore. Well RoundedEscape Awakening with each of the four classes in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Mass ExodusComplete the final Ancestor encounter in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. UnstoppableComplete the final Ancestor with at least 1 relic in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Nemesis CompletionistComplete every challenge and the final Ancestor encounter in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. The Final ChapterFind all 7 story related intel files in Exodus. PostmasterComplete any outpost by activating all of the generators in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Eggstra Nemesis!Complete the Egg-Stra XP challenge and then activate a generator in the Nemesis DLC package. 1 guideTiming is EverythingKill the final 3 Ancestors within 10 seconds of killing the first Ancestor in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. You WishHit an Ancestor with a Hypno Knife in Regular or Hardcore difficulty. Always HardKill the final Ancestor with a relic active in Hardcore difficulty. Hat TrickKill 3 aliens with a single shot from the NX-1 Disruptor in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.