Call of Cthulhu Achievements Here is the full list of all 49 Call of Cthulhu achievements. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 49 Offline Mode 49 Single Player 19 Main Storyline 7 Collectable 25 Missable 1 Cumulative + 1 Level Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Detective Edward PierceReach the level of Expert in a skill John Raymond LegrasseFind 20 hidden items 1 guideJack of all tradesInspect 50 items Ex OblivioneFail a skill test 1 guideThe most trivial objectDiscover all the small blue bottles Detective historianPiece together Margaret Wyckwood's memoirs The Shadow Out of TimeDiscover all the murals of the disappeared tribe Strange secretsFind occult items More sober than Zadok AllenNever drink The Abomination of DarkwaterKill 5 inhabitants who are being controlled Beyond realityAccept to read an unholy book Complete revelationRead all the books of unholy knowledge The Sarah Hawkins caseAccept the Sarah Hawkins case The delusional investigatorBe the plaything of an hallucination The Strange High HouseGet driven to the Hawkins Mansion The Terrible Old ManConvince the caretaker to help you 1 guideMemoryExplore the memories of the Hawkins family The Secret CaveDiscover the mansion’s secret passage A brilliant mindUse the globe to open the secret passage The pit of horrorFall into the sacrificial pit The TempleTake part in the ritual in the caves SandmanMake a deal with a crazed inmate The aficionado of horrorMeet Francis Sanders Shared guiltPush Irene Sanders to the limit From BeyondBanish the Dimensional Shambler The Thing on the DoorstepBanish the Dimensional Shambler using only one dagger Scholar of the unspeakableMeet Algernon Drake and accept his help The BookRead the Necronomicon Caught in the trapFall into Fuller's trap The White ShipLearn the secret of the Scylla 1 guideThe curse of SarahFind Sarah Hawkins 1 guideThe amulet of the AncientsLay your hands on Algernon Drake's treasure The dreamlike investigationAccept the revelations No prohibition for DarkwaterDeliver liquor to the sailors The OutsiderBanish the creature for good Companion in armsSave Drake's life during the fight with the creature 1 guideAttack the docksEscape your fallen territory The Good SamaritanSave Mitchell The Rats in the WallsMake the suspects talk by using a heavy hand Hippocratic OathHeal all the patients In the footsteps of Daniel UptonKill or spare Bradley The voice beyond the graveChat with a vision 1 guideVoyage into historyOpen the sailor's chest in the whaling station The Beast in the CaveEnter the beast’s den Fluent in R’lyehianChoose all the replies in R’lyehian Nameless CultsRefuse to take part in the ritual FarewellRefuse the ritual Fight destinySuccessfully carry out the counter ritual The Call of CthulhuInvoke Cthulhu!