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Bug Blazer

Bug Blazer Achievements

Here is the full list of all 64 Bug Blazer achievements.

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  • Unlocked Professor Mantin

    Your scientist mentor, he's the one using technology to upgrade your tools for your business.

  • Unlocked Ranger Reenee

    A good friend of Prof. Mantin who works at the town's biggest park.

  • Unlocked Librarian Juleen

    One of Reenee's favourite people, they both love books and a good squished bug.

  • Unlocked Van The Man

    Every since he was a little kid, he's always been know as Van the man, now he runs a pizzaria!

  • Unlocked Dr. Rod

    Studied medicine and turned into the fastest surgeon. Rumour has it he removed a spleen in 25 seconds.

  • Unlocked Manager Julio

    A successful businessman, and loves making music.

  • Unlocked Commander Madal

    A solid space commander who flies by the seat of his pants to make sure space around earth is protected.

  • Unlocked General Chris

    General of the space force, keeps the orbital station in good order and maintains a good standing with the Mozlakuran trade guild.

  • Unlocked Ambassador Wally

    This blob looking alien can talk his way into any negotiation with little effort using powerful pheramones. He maintains it's only for used for good.

  • Unlocked Sticky Trap

    Your standard floor placed sticky trap, great for those combo multipliers, hint-hint.

  • Unlocked Zap Trap

    Wow these things are great, zaps bugs that get too close.

  • Unlocked Casa De Bug

    Creativity in a box, wonder what's inside?

  • Unlocked Poison Trap

    A beautiful poison dispenser that is advertised to smell like: "Summer breeze in the meadows*". ................. * meadows filled with poison

  • Unlocked Fire Trap

    Roasted, toasted and well done. The best way to enjoy bugs.

  • Unlocked Vacuum trap

    Professor Mantin is proud of this invention! A very satisfying way to watch them go, no mess, no fuss.

  • Unlocked Sonic Pulser

    Vaporize them with the power of sound and eerie technology.

  • Unlocked Blackhole

    Professor Mantin has created a microscopic self-sustaining blackhole that's just small enough to help with bug eliimation. How convenient!

  • Unlocked Laser Trap

    A powerful laser slices and dices all bugs in its path.

  • Unlocked Gel Trap

    Mozlakurans use this acid for their own defenses, it's fast acting and smells a little like petunias, hibiscus with a hint of sewerage.

  • A million bugs

    One bug a second for just over 11 and a half days... gets you a million bugs.

  • A billion bugs

    One bug a second for 31 years and 8 months... gets you a billion bugs. That's a big difference...

  • A trillion bugs

    One bug a second for almost 31,689 years will get you a trillion bugs.

  • More than 3.689x 10^18 bugs

    If you doubled the number of bugs on a chess board 1 square at a time, you'd need this many to cover it. (And a pretty big board).

  • Whack-a-mole

    You've killed more bugs than Avogadro Constant: 6.022 x 10^23

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