Game action
Bounty Train

Bounty Train Achievements

Here is the full list of all 30 Bounty Train achievements.

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  • Tycoon

    People owning a bankroll of $50,000 are hugely respected among businessmen. Become one of them!

  • Dreamrider

    Purchase Sierra 4-6-0 locomotive.

  • Bounty Hunter

    Enforce law and order. Kill 7 wanted criminals.

  • Railbuff

    Gather a complete collection of all locomotives.

  • Family Embraces

    Locate all members of your kin and help them out.

  • Unhindered

    Obtain licenses to travel all routes in the game.

  • Piggybanker

    Earn 1000$ worth of interest on your bank deposit.

  • Daredevil

    Break land speed record - reach 75 miles per hour!

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