Borderlands 3 Achievements Full list of all 81 Borderlands 3 achievements. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game on Windows.The base game contains 45 achievements, and there are 6 DLC packs containing 36 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 2 Online Mode 80 Online/Offline 79 Single Player 80 Cooperative 1 Host Only 1 Community 27 Main Storyline 18 Collectable 5 Cumulative + 5 Level 2 Shop 1 External Content 1 Time Consuming Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (3) What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply You Got SkillsReach level 2. 1 guideStar BoundReach level 10. 1 guideVaulting Your Way To The TopReach level 25. Biggest Badass In The BorderlandsReach level 50. Bolt-OnsUnlock 10 Character Heads or Skins. Mechani-CoolUnlock 10 Vehicle Parts via hijacking. Tips AppreciatedTip Moxxi. 1 guideI Hope You Didn't Tea-bagWin a duel. Stay Away From The LightRevive another player. Gun Pals!Send an item to a friend. Dropping LoadsWin a live grenade at a Slot Machine. 1 guideGood Against Remotes Is One ThingGet a perfect score at the Firing Range on any difficulty. 1 guideMy Name Is EarlBuy 20 cosmetic items from Crazy Earl. Tales From The Eridian SlabDecipher all of the Eridian Slabs. Slaughterhouse 3Complete all the Circles of Slaughter. A Hundred Names For SandDiscover all named locations on Pandora. SwampedDiscover all named locations on Eden-6. City SlickerDiscover all named locations on Promethea. Exoarchaeolo—You Get The GistDiscover all named locations on Nekrotafeyo. Master Of All You SurveyDiscover all named locations. 1 guideÀ La CarteComplete 20 Side Missions. Getting A Little On The SideComplete all Side Missions. 2 guides100-ProofClear all the Eridian Proving Grounds. Got Big GameDefeat all of Hammerlock's Legendary Hunts. Zer0ed InDefeat all of Zer0's Targets of Opportunity. Barreled Right Over ThemKill an enemy with an exploding barrel. Feelin' A Little StabbyKill an enemy, knifing them with a gun blade. Stick It To 'EmKill two or more enemies with a single sticky grenade. On FleekEquip purple-rated gear or better in every slot. Rewards CardEarn a Loyalty Package from each weapon manufacturer. 1 guideWelcome To The Crimson RaidersComplete mission “Children of the Vault”. So Long, Pandora!Complete mission “Taking Flight”. 1 guideNOG It OffComplete mission “Hostile Takeover”. I Mustache You A QuestionComplete mission “Atlas, At Last”. Gone From My SightComplete mission “Beneath the Meridian”. That Was ColdComplete mission “Lair of the Harpy”. Heir To An Empty CastleComplete mission “Cold as the Grave”. Cross The StreamersComplete mission “Blood Drive”. Apocalypso!Complete mission “The Great Vault”. I Am A Goddess, A Glorious Female WarriorComplete mission “In the Shadow of Starlight”. Bye, Felicia!Complete mission “Divine Retribution”. Florida ManDown yourself by grenade or explosion. Stay GoldenUse a Golden Key. Damn, GinaGet all Vault Rewards. Ultimate Vault HunterUnlock all Borderlands® 3 Achievements! Add-on Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot 110 70 7 4.085,2071,954 (38%)5-6h A Proper Hand-OffComplete mission “All Bets Off”. FirebugSabotage all statues for Ember. Killer LookComplete the Mayor's outfit. ScovillainDestroy all of Mr. Torgue's hot sauces. Shoe Money TonightGet a 21 in the blackjack minigame. 1 guideDon't Be A StrangerReturn for a chat with the Clapstructor. 1 guideWho Collects The Collector?Defeat the wandering Debt Collector. Add-on Guns, Love, and Tentacles 141 80 8 4.674,6971,510 (32%)10-12h Good One, BabeWatch Deathtrap kill 50 enemies. 5 guidesIndustrious In The Face Of Cosmic TerrorComplete all Crew Challenges and Side Missions on Xylourgos. Party's Still On!Find the party. Whispers On The WindCollect all ECHO logs on Xylourgos. A Hunter, Through And ThroughFind and kill all four rare spawns. Love Is The Fifth DimensionMarry your friends. I'm Floudering Up HereListen to 25 fish jokes. 2 guidesOlder Than The TreesKill the Wendigo. Add-on Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck 110 70 7 3.884,0541,740 (43%)8-10h Meat and GreetComplete mission “Enter the Psychoscape”. The Blast and the FuriousDefeat Evil Lilith. Brain Pain Train SlainDefeat Locomöbius. Trauma CenterDefeat Dr. Benedict. Red Wrath and BeyondDefeat Psychoreaver. Ye Who EnterOpen the gates to Vaulthalla. Fustercluck OffComplete all side missions and crew challenges in Krieg's Mind. Add-on Bounty of Blood 131 80 8 3.804,3571,774 (41%)5-6h How The West Was DoneComplete all plot missions, side missions, and crew challenges on Gehenna. That's Quite ChallengingComplete all crew challenges on Gehenna. Helpful HunterComplete all side missions on Gehenna. Stone Cold KillerComplete mission “Blood from a Stone”. It's A WashComplete mission “The Name of the Law”. Getting Off TrackComplete mission “Off the Rails”. Ruin On The HorizonComplete mission “Riding to Ruin”. Bounty: HuntedComplete mission “Where It All Started”. Add-on Designer's Cut 57 30 3 0.003,0781,208 (39%)5-6h In the Eye of a MurdercaneWin a round of Arms Race. Treat Yo SelfExtract 100 pieces of gear from Arms Race. Complex Made SimpleExplore the entire Stormblind Complex. Add-on Director's Cut 55 30 3 4.502,3921,253 (52%)3-4h DemysteriouslierifiedSolve all murder mysteries for Ava's podcast. Blood Sucking FreakDefeat Hemovorous the Invincible. Might Beyond SightDestroy 50 mysterious Eridium piles. 1 guide