Boomerang X Achievements Here is the full list of all 60 Boomerang X achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Boomerang XGet the boomerang Composer’s GardenClear the Composer’s Garden Kenak, the Exiled TyrantClear Kenak, The Exiled Tyrant The Grudge PitClear the Grudge Pit The Valley of the First NymphsClear the Valley of the First Nymphs YoranwoodClear Yoranwood The Poisoned WellClear the Poisoned Well Incursion of the Great WormClear the Incursion of the Great Worm The Old VeinClear the Old Vein Atsil’s QuarryClear Atsil’s Quarry Hall of the Ersatz FeastClear the Hall of the Ersatz Feast Grave of the Yoran LegionClear the Grave of the Yoran Legion The Resonance EngineClear the Resonance Engine VashkatarDefeat the guardian at the heart of the scourge Many-Legged FriendListen to all of Tepan’s Tales Boomerang +Beat New Game + BreakfastKill 100 enemies LunchKill 1,000 enemies DinnerKill 2,500 enemies Midnight SnackKill 10,000 enemies Sewing MachineChain 5 Needle shots in a row Hula HoopKill 10 enemies while the boomerang orbits you Flight SimulatorTravel 200 miles in the air DogfighterGet 50 consecutive kills without touching the ground BackstabberKill 5 enemies with one boomerang recall The Floor is LavaBeat a level without touching the ground Not Quite My TempoJam out on the strings in the Tuning Court Mach XBeat the game in under one hour Mach InfinityBeat the game in under 45 minutes X MachinaBeat the game without taking damage Red Means GoClear Kenak, the Exiled Tyrant in under 2 minutes Pit ChampionClear the Grudge Pit in under 2 minutes Record HarvestClear the Valley of the First Nymphs in under 2 minutes War On WoodClear the Yoranwood in under 2 minutes Leap FrogClear the Poisoned Well in under 2 minutes Early BirdClear Incursion of the Great Worm in under 3 minutes Cold-BloodedClear the Old Vein in under 3 minutes SpeedskatingClear Atsil’s Quarry in under 3 minutes Running on CoalsClear Hall of the Ersatz Feast in under 3 minutes Hot StreakClear the Grave of the Yoran Legion in under 3 minutes Root RushClear the Resonance Engine in under 7 minutes FastkatarClear Vashkatar in under 3 minutes No Time For GrudgesClear the Grudge Pit without using Flux No Time For NymphsClear the Valley of the First Nymphs without using Flux No Time For WoodClear the Yoranwood without using Flux No Time For PoisonClear the Poisoned Well without using Flux No Time For WormsClear Incursion of the Great Worm without using Flux No Time For VeinsClear the Old Vein without using Flux No Time For AtsilClear Atsil’s Quarry without using Flux No Time For FeastsClear Hall of the Ersatz Feast without using Flux No Time For LegionsClear the Grave of the Yoran Legion without using Flux No Time For ResonanceClear the Resonance Engine without using Flux No Time For VashkatarClear Vashkatar without using Flux ScatterbrainedBeat a level in "Scattershot Only" mode OverkillTarget a Fly with the Oblivion Comet Fruit SaladPlay every non-custom endless category. AntipastoGet at least 1500 points in the Hardcore category. Fast CasualGet to a x10 multiplier in endless mode in any category. Moth FeelKill a giant moth in the Passionfruit category. Air FryerSurvive for 2 minutes while the floor is covered in lava in endless mode in any category.