Boomerang X

Boomerang X

Game action
Boomerang X

Boomerang X Achievements

Here is the full list of all 60 Boomerang X achievements.

  • Leap Frog

    Clear the Poisoned Well in under 2 minutes

  • Early Bird

    Clear Incursion of the Great Worm in under 3 minutes

  • Cold-Blooded

    Clear the Old Vein in under 3 minutes

  • Speedskating

    Clear Atsil’s Quarry in under 3 minutes

  • Running on Coals

    Clear Hall of the Ersatz Feast in under 3 minutes

  • Hot Streak

    Clear the Grave of the Yoran Legion in under 3 minutes

  • Root Rush

    Clear the Resonance Engine in under 7 minutes

  • Fastkatar

    Clear Vashkatar in under 3 minutes

  • Moth Feel

    Kill a giant moth in the Passionfruit category.

  • Air Fryer

    Survive for 2 minutes while the floor is covered in lava in endless mode in any category.