BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend Achievements Here is the full list of all 50 BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 6 Online Mode 20 Offline Mode 24 Online/Offline 44 Single Player 1 Main Storyline 4 Collectable 6 Cumulative + 1 Missable 4 Shop 1 Level 29 Versus 2 x3 Players Required 1 x4 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply That Will SufficeFinished the [Tutorial] mode. Time to Hit the ArcadesFinished [Arcade] mode. Murakumo...AWAKEN!Defeated the secret boss in [Arcade] mode. The Beginning of the EndFinished [Score Attack] mode. Mars Needs Winnin'Attempted [Unlimited Mars] mode over 10 times. Kaka-kazeHave been blown up by the chibi-kakas in [Unlimited Mars] mode. Eye of the TigerTrained for more than 30 minutes, non-stop. Mastered the BasicsCleared over 50 missions in [Challenge] mode. Mastered the...Master?Cleared over 100 missions in [Challenge] mode. Just the BeginningDefeated the boss at level 100 of the [Abyss]. About Half WayDefeated the boss at level 500 of the [Abyss]. Getting Down to Abyss-nessDefeated the boss at level 999 of the [Abyss]. Abyssmal ShopaholicAcquired all the items from the shop in [Abyss] mode. *Wheeze*...Just Getting StartedIncreased all character stats to 50 in [Abyss] mode. Oh…NOW I Get It...!Finished the Calamity Trigger scenario in [Story] mode. Breaking in the New GuysFinished Makoto's, Valkenhayn's, Platinum and Relius's scenarios in [Story] mode. To Be Continued…!Witnessed the true ending in [Story] mode. Mind on my MoneyAccumulated over 100,000P$. Artwork?! Gimmie!Unlocked 50% of the items in the [Gallery]. Gallery GuruUnlocked everything there is to see in the [Gallery]. I See What You Did TherePlayed back replay data over 10 times in [Replay Theater]. There's NoWon a team elimination match without even fighting. Just Getting Used to itRaised any character's PSR to over 200 in a [Ranked Match] Level 20Reached level 20. I can't Stop WinningWon three [Ranked Matches]. Like a BossFought 100 matches in [Ranked Match]. Plays Well With OthersFought ten team [Player Matches]. Feels Like the First TimeWon your first team [Player Match]. Finger on the ButtonDefeated an opponent while using the Stylish Layout. Better Safe Than SorryDished out significantly more damage than the opponent's remaining HP. Power of the AzurePerformed a 90+ hit combo using Ragna. Ice Ice Ice BabyUsed all three of Jin's special attacks that freeze opponents in a single combo. Noooooo...el!Finished off an opponent with Noel's Nemesis Stabilizer. Shocking... Positively ShockingUsing Rachel, shocked your opponent more than 15 times during a single combo. Don't Give A KakaSuccessfully executed jumping D, jumping ↑+D and jumping ↓+D in the middle of a combo. Tager? Don't Even Know Her!Turned the tide and won a battle using Genesic Emerald Tager Buster. Sharp ShooterHit the opponent with all of Litchi's Great Wheel attacks. InsecticideSummoned and used all of Arakune's bugs during a single combo. Just How I...*wheeze*...PlannedUsing Bang, had Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan activated for more than 30 seconds of the battle. A SpectacleLanded Carl's Vivace, Cantabile, and Allegreto during a combo. Over 9000?!Dealt over 10,000 damage to an opponent in a single combo. You've Been...TerminatedWith Lambda, summoned every type of sword during a single round. Fight for SurvivalUsing Tsubaki, executed all of the "D" versions of her special attacks in a single combo. Fangs for the Memories!Used Hazama's Rising, Falling and Devouring Fangs during a battle. Threat Level...EscalatedDuring the course of one combo, placed all four of Mu's Stein's Gunners. Squirrel Power!Executed Makoto's super, Particle Flare, with only Level 3 punches. Get Off My Lawn!Performed a 30+ hit combo using Valkenhayn. LunaticEquipped all of Luna's weapons during one round. Domestic BatteryUsing Relius, fight a battle without depleting the Ignus gauge. Aaaaaand I'm SpentUsed up the Ignis gauge while fighting as Relius.