Game action
Bestiary Survivors

Bestiary Survivors Achievements

Here is the full list of all 96 Bestiary Survivors achievements.

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  • Stormy Birdseye

    Embarking on a grand journey.

  • Raven Lightninghand

    Accumulate 5000 Soulstones collected as a Grizzly Clan.

  • Azure Stormhail

    Accumulated 300 Elite kills as a Grizzly Clan.

  • Marquis

    Accumulate 150 purified Shrines as a Grizzly Clan.

  • Clawprint

    Survive for 20 minutes as a Grizzly Clan

  • Stormburst

    1,000,000 damage with cold element in a game as a Grizzly Clan.

  • Minos

    1,000,000 damage with stone element in a game as a Minotaur Clan.

  • Tauron

    Embarking on a grand journey.

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