BattleBlock Theater Achievements Here is the full list of all 30 BattleBlock Theater achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc Flag Filter All None 3 Offline Mode 3 Online Mode 24 Online/Offline 24 Single Player 26 Cooperative 14 Versus 2 Community 3 Main Storyline 4 Difficulty Specific 6 Cumulative + 6 Shop 1 Viral 3 Time/Date 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Cast MemberComplete the story's opening sequence in any mode. Seasoned PerformerComplete the first four finales in any mode. VirtuosoGet an A++ in 10 levels. Solo StarGet a letter grade in every level (except Encores) in Normal Solo Story Mode. Coop StarGet a letter grade in every level (except Encores) in Normal Co-op Story Mode. Insane Solo StarGet a letter grade in every level (except Encores) in insane solo story mode. Insane Coop StarGet a letter grade in every level (except Encores) in insane co-op story mode. Crowd PleaserComplete all the Encores in any mode. Secret Hat HunterCollect 10 Golden Hats. Hats OffGet a letter grade in all eight finales in any mode. The ProfessionalBe on the winning team in 100 arena matches. All Around JoeBe on the winning team in one arena match of every mode. Secret FinderFind a secret level. 1 guideNail File CakeFree a fellow prisoner. Black MarketeerGet yourself a cool new weapon. Jail BreakerFree 50 prisoners in the Gift Shop. Social ButterflyCollect all the prisoners of one head shape. Freedom HeroFree all the prisoners in the Gift Shop by unlocking or trading. Armed and DangerousCollect all the weapons in the Gift Shop by unlocking or trading. First Time TraderMake a trade with someone. Take A BowComplete an encore level in Story Mode. TraitorKill your teammate 50 times. Deadly PerformerGet 100 kills. Chicken ToucherPlay with the Behemoth or someone with this achievement in an online game. Melee MasterSuccessfully use every melee attack move. 1 guideWeapons MasterUse each weapon successfully. Consolation PrizeDie enough times and we give you a prize. Prison FoodGet eaten alive. Theater CriticComplete 10 user-created levels in a single Featured Story playlist. Theater ManagerDownload and host a game of user-created levels.