Brink Achievements Here is the full list of all 43 Brink achievements.The base game contains 36 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 7 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 43 Online/Offline 43 Single Player 43 Cooperative 40 Versus 7 Main Storyline 1 Collectable 5 Level 2 Shop 1 Time/Date Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The start of something bigWin any mission, whether campaign or What-If 1 guideUse the wheel, earn more XPComplete an objective after first selecting it on the Objective Wheel Oh I'm sorry, was that yours?Capture an enemy's Command Post Not over till the fat lady sings!Take down an enemy with gunfire while knocked down Great shot kid! One in a millionTake down an enemy by shooting a grenade You shall not pass!While on defense, prevent the attackers from completing their first objective I live… again!Revive yourself Well done!Complete your first 1 Star Challenge You're going places, kid!Reach Rank 2 You've saved the ArkWin all main missions of the Security campaign (not including What-If missions) 1 guideYou've escaped the ArkWin all main missions of the Resistance campaign (not including What-If missions) The story has just begunWin both story campaigns (not including What-If missions) Viva la revolution!Win every Resistance campaign mission, including What-If missions To serve and protectWin every Security campaign mission, including What-If missions Tough as nailsWin all storyline campaign missions (not including What-If missions) playing either Online Versus, or in Hard mode I think I know a shortcutOpen a shortcut for your team Cut 'em off at the passClose an enemy team's shortcut That's how you win a matchWhile on defense, take down an attacker who's completing a Primary Objective Not so sneaky now, are you?Reveal an enemy in disguise They never knew what hit themWhile on offense, win the match in less than 30% of the time limit. Was it the red or the blue wire?Disarm an HE charge You can place another mine nowTake down an enemy with a mine Pump up the volume!Upgrade your team's command post Smart decisions win battlesAttempt to Revive an objective-class teammate over a non-objective teammate near a Primary Objective 'Tis better to give than receiveAs a Medic, using the Transfer Supplies ability, give the last of your Supplies away That mine you found? Disarmed!Spot a mine which is later defused by another Engineer BrinksmanshipComplete an Operative Primary Objective within 5 seconds of breaking disguise 1 guideA bit of a headacheTake down an enemy with a Cortex Bomb Boom!Detonate a HE Charge No I insist, you take itUse the last of your Supplies to refill a teammate's ammo rather than your own It's a trap!Take down an enemy with a Satchel Charge Very well done indeed!Complete your first 3 Star Challenge 1 guideWho's bad?Complete all 1 Star Challenges King of the world!Complete all 3 Star Challenges Well that was educationalCollect all Audio Logs Time to start a new characterReach Rank 5 Add-on Agents of Change 168 70 7 2.50330138 (42%) Science MavenWin Labs as both factions in Campaign Mode Towering AchievementWin Founders' Tower as both factions in Campaign Mode A Burning ThingKill an enemy with a Napalm Grenade PyromancerKill an enemy with a Pyro Mine Remote ControlKill an enemy with a UAV Mutual SupportHave a Field Regen Unit buff more than 3 players simultaneously Ark KingReach Level 24