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BOOK OF HOURS Achievements

Full list of all 95 BOOK OF HOURS achievements.

The base game contains 78 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 17 achievements.

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  • Look on my Works, Ye Mighty

    I spoke the name 'Calyptra' and lived. I won the last revolution, and I am free.

  • Apology Accepted

    They had hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions. I know that now. I made, at last, amends.

  • A Third Way

    I walked beneath the Sun, and I walked within the flesh. At last I found my final home.

  • A Reckoning Postponed Indefinitely

    I was hunted. I was afraid. But now I am safe, and prepared.

  • Map of the Empire

    I plumbed the depths. I plotted the impossible. I completed my masterwork, and mastered the Mansus itself.

  • Perfectly Monstrous

    Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril. Those who read the symbol do so at their peril. I went and read and mastered all.

  • Naming the Shadow

    I have faced my Crime and the Curse it freed. At last, I am whole.

  • Numen: That Old Lost Music

    Every song ever sung still lingers in wind and echo, untouched by the demands of Eternity…

  • Numen: A Final Understanding

    Eternity and History cannot be reconciled. Freedom cannot be perfection - not unless we understand the paradox of the eternal ending...

  • Numen: Back into Balance

    When the travelling Carapace-kinds passed beyond the wave and the sky, they made arrangements for their return...

  • Numen: Three Rules

    If we know those deepest rules, we know what even the Chancel and the Calyptra may not do...

  • Numen: Loopholes

    When Eternity came into the world, certain prudent powers arranged loopholes. Those loopholes may open again...

  • Numen: The Sun's Weakness

    The Sun's sins and the Sun's scars are our salvation. There are Histories where they will trap us...

  • Numen: the Bells of Ys

    Ys, by her arts, found the strike-tone that shakes the Hours. A bell cast with this secret could speak the Ys-note…

  • Numen: the Great Counterfeit

    The Sun-in-Splendour and the Forge of the Days could not be joined. But Sunset Celia and the Swan King could...

  • Numen: Weaving the World

    The Histories, they say, are braided like hair - or tangled like roots. What is the shape of that knot...?



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