Astronarch Achievements Full list of all 47 Astronarch achievements.The base game contains 41 achievements, and there are 3 DLC packs containing 6 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply HoarderHave 500 Gold at one time. ResolveHave 50 Morale at one time. ComedyHave 50 positive effects on a hero at one time. TragedyHave 50 negative effects on an enemy at one time. PuristBeat the game without any abilities upgraded. AllergiesBeat the game without using a potion. Speed DemonBeat the game in under 30 minutes. ConquerorBeat the game without losing a battle. Every DogGain a level on every hero. The BeastDefeat the Beast of the Weald. The GolemDefeat the Timeworn Golem. The Deep FiendDefeat the Deep Fiend. The ExecutionerDefeat the Executioner. The Mercenary CrewDefeat the Mercenary Crew. The Blighted HagDefeat the Blighted Hag. The KingDefeat the King. The HydraDefeat the Hydra. The BalrogDefeat the Balrog Spawn. DisciplineDefeat an elite without any items equipped. PristineDefeat a boss with all heroes at full HP. PerseveranceDefeat Corruption 10. ProphecyDefeat Corruption 20. The AlchemistUnlock the Alchemist. The BardUnlock the Bard. The BloodmageUnlock the Bloodmage. The BrawlerUnlock the Brawler. The DruidUnlock the Druid. The FiendUnlock the Fiend. The IllusionistUnlock the Illusionist. The OutlawUnlock the Outlaw. The RangerUnlock the Ranger. The RoninUnlock the Ronin. ThirstyUse 3 potions in one combat. FugitiveDefeat an act without visiting a merchant. RuffianEmerge victorious in 10 combats during a single act. PrimitiveSell 10 items or potions to the same merchant and then defeat the act. FableDefeat all 3 elites during a single act. RitualSell an ability orb and 2 potions to the same merchant. PathfinderDefeat an act after visiting at least 7 events. EverlastingDefeat a boss with 1 hero remaining. AfterimageEquip 3 of the same item to a hero. Update The Fallen 21 10 1 0.007171 (100%) The FallenUnlock the Fallen. Update Omens 125 40 4 0.004623 (50%) BurdenDefeat the Omen of Burden with the special item fully upgraded. FrailtyDefeat the Omen of Frailty without any items breaking. DoomDefeat the Omen of Doom without triggering its effect once. LossDefeat the Omen of Loss without taking the special blessing. Update The Keys of Fate 16 10 1 0.00113113 (100%) The Primarch