As Far As The Eye Achievements Here is the full list of all 67 As Far As The Eye achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Animal WhispererUnlock Animal Whisperer Animal FearUnlock Animal Fear SurveyorUnlock Surveyor ErmitUnlock Ermit InvadingUnlock Invading ResistantUnlock Resistant WeakUnlock Weak LikeableUnlock Likeable InvisibleUnlock Invisible MeticulousUnlock Meticulous BargainerUnlock Bargainer LuckyUnlock Lucky FantasistUnlock Fantasist VisionaryUnlock Visionary ImpiousUnlock Impious HonestUnlock Honest HandyUnlock Handy FragileUnlock Fragile DeliriousUnlock Delirious StasisUnlock Stasis ImmortalUnlock Immortal LonerUnlock Loner Team SpiritUnlock Team Spirit TeamworkUnlock Teamwork Yellow BellyUnlock Yellow Belly ScholarUnlock Scholar TinkererUnlock Tinkerer LazyUnlock Lazy MinusUnlock Minus MaximusUnlock Maximum HypochondriacUnlock Hypochondriac Stone-skinnedUnlock Stone-skinned Paper-skinnedUnlock Paper-skinned VaccinatedUnlock Vaccinated ConductorUnlock Conductor LevitationUnlock Levitation RegeneratingUnlock Regenerating PunyUnlock Puny ShyUnlock Shy NannyUnlock Nanny Test subjectUnlock Test subject IndependentUnlock Independent AgoraphobeUnlock Agoraphobe BinocularsUnlock Binoculars BlindersUnlock Blinders PathfinderUnlock Pathfinder RecklessUnlock Reckless ApprenticeUnlock Apprentice Simple-mindedUnlock Simple-minded ExpertUnlock Expert The GoodUnlock The Good The TyrantUnlock The Tyrant BargainerUnlock Bargainer OptimizerUnlock Optimizer HealerUnlock Healer Asymptomatic CarrierUnlock Asymptomatic Carrier ChameleonUnlock Chameleon VersatileUnlock Versatile TheoreticianUnlock Theoretician PlaceboUnlock Placebo SkepticalUnlock Skeptical PassionateUnlock Passionate Chapter 1: Oku the VigilantUnlock Chapter 1 Chapter 2: Linked by DestinyUnlock Chapter 2 Chapter 3: The ShapeshiftersUnlock Chapter 3 Chapter 4: The Greatest Pie in the WorldUnlock Chapter 4 Chapter 5: the Horned ChimeraUnlock Chapter 5