Arizona Sunshine Achievements Full list of all 48 Arizona Sunshine achievements.The base game contains 36 achievements, and there are 2 DLC packs containing 12 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 34 Offline Mode 34 Single Player 10 Main Storyline 2 Difficulty Specific 2 Stackable 3 Collectable 10 Cumulative + 34 External Content 1 Buggy + 2 Buggy - Link flagsOR joinAND join Achievements without any flags (14)Note: Flagging is not complete for this game What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Charley HorsePlay for a total of 2 hours Eye see you..Shoot with a sniper in the game Green ThumbPick up all shovels inside the shop in the level Sunshine Howdeeyhow!Finish the level Trailerpark I'm not the only one?Listen to the radio in the level Sunshine Rescued!Complete the entire campaign! It's getting Hot Hot Hot!Finish the level Canyon Last Man StandingBe the only survivor in Horde Mode LOOT!Collect some loot! Master ScavengerCollect a ton of loot! Skull CrackerKill 300 zombies in Horde Mode (streak) The Sherrif has arrived!Kill 1000 zombies in Horde Mode (streak) VR Creep!Play the game for 4 hours in a row 1 guideFreddy, you there?Play for a total of 3 hours You Win!Finish the level Sunshine We have ourselves a CowboyKill 400 zombies in Horde Mode (streak) Baby Wipe WarShoot with the Machine Gun in the Refinery You climbed theClimb the scaffold in the level Traintracks Biting the BulletFinish the level Refinery DelayedFinish the level Traintracks Flashed your way out!Finish the level Caves Gun CollectorCollect all the guns in the game No MercyKill all zombies that are locked up in the cage in Canyon And the award for Can Killer goes to...Finish the level Base So SqhuishyThrow a duck Quack Quack %$#@!Collect all the ducks in the game Badabing Badaboom!Kill 20 zombies using grenades Direct Hit!Kill a zombie with an object It's a Sunny Day!Finish the level Bridge Duck Attack!Kill a zombie with a duck Steady HandKill 50 zombies with a Headshot A Thousand MilesWalk a distance of 10 miles Juicy MeatCollect 20 burgers Medium well beef plzEat 10 burgers Headshots like a Boss!Kill 100 zombies with a Headshot Hard BoiledComplete the Apocalyptic Mode Add-on Dead Man DLC 179 60 6 0.0033828 (8%) The Beginning Of The EndFinish Dead Man The Apocalypse of JohnFinish Dead Man on Apocalyptic Wearing Smells From LaboratoriesCollect all Dead Man DLC masks One-Man MilitiaFind all weapons in the Dead Man DLC Online Rocket Science Add-on The Damned DLC 161 60 6 0.0025624 (9%) This wil have to do Are you there? Apocalyptic Engineer Easy way out Barracuda Great White