Apotheon Achievements Here is the full list of all 30 Apotheon achievements. It takes around 12-15 hours to unlock all of the achievements on Windows.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply FenceAccess the Refugee stash in the Forest. PanapolyAccess the Agora Armoury. TallymanAccess the Agora Market Scroll-keeper’s Office. Party CrasherAccess the Symposium of the Sun in Apollo's hall. Nature's BlessingAccess the Secret Grove at the Shrine of the Nymphs. Cloak and DaggerAccess the Assassin Stash in the Swamps. From the GraveMeet the Necromancer in Hades. Master HuntsmanAccess the Hunter's Trove in the Forest. Just a TasteAccess Apollo's nectar cellar. BountyRoot out the assassins in the Acropolis. A Gift for a GoddessAccess Kleio's gift in the Acropolis. Demand for SupplyAccess the Merchant Stockpile in the Acropolis. Precious MetalAccess the Gold Mine in the Sea. Treasure HunterAccess the sunken wreck of the Euphemia in the Sea. IrresistibleAquire the Cestus of Aphrodite. Message LostAquire the Sandals of Hermes. InebriateAquire the Kantharos of Dionysus. SmithyAquire the Artifice of Hephaestus. A Hero's DueFind all lockboxes on Olympus. Divine WrathFind all rare weapons on Olympus. ApotheosisAcquire the powers from all twelve Olympian Gods. OlympianBeat game on Olympian Difficulty Apollo's LyreAcquire the Lyre of Apollo Crest of AresAcquire the Crest of Ares Aegis of AthenaAcquire the Aegis of Athena Sheaf of DemeterAcquire the Sheaf of Demeter Trident of PoseidonAcquire the Trident of Poseidon Thunderbolt of ZeusAcquire the Thunderbolt of Zeus Mount OlympusAscend to Mount Olympus Bow of ArtemisAcquire the Bow of Artemis