Anna - Extended Edition Achievements Here is the full list of all 35 Anna - Extended Edition achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply Anna, my loveYou completed the game with the "The Truth" Ending Black NightYou completed the game with the "So Soon" ending. SafeYou completed the game with the "Just a scratch" ending. Will they grow back?Get the leaves from the tree. Ghostbuster!See all the supernatural events. SherlockUse "Examine" 100 times First TakeSolve the leaves puzzle without making mistakes. Straight to the goalNever used the online help. SpeedrunGame completed in less than 30 minutes. Jump in the houseExterior section completed in less than 5 minutes. Raiders of the lost F1You pressed F1 to access the menus It's dark hereGet inside the sawmill Purple rainGet to the attic Where are you?Get to the Cave Good MannersFix the stove before leaving. You fix what you break! The Way of the SaboutierDo all the steps of Way of the Saboutier BookwormYou've read all the books. Wendy, I'm homeRedrum. Redrum. Redrum. I'll take this backTake violently a valuable object The things I do for loveRepudiate your life's passion, destroy an ancient artefact. It was the GoldsmithDeny an old love for the new one Do you want to merry me?Such a glorious woman Honey, have you seen my keys?You'd lose your own head without your wife Don't need another Muzio ScevolaDon't play with fire VandalIt's abandoned, who cares? Mirror, MirrorYou don't look well Anna FhtagnLovely cultists Once Upon a TimeRead all the fables Out of my house!I'm not welcome NaiveMermaids were never good for you Not InterestedSuperficiality never pays ShyWho's him? Time will tell. Scientific methodUnlock all the intuitions That's all folks!You completed this game 100% Well, it's pretty lateDon't bother, courage is not for everyone