Game action
And Yet It Moves


25 Feb 10
32h 11m

And Yet It Moves Achievements

Here is the full list of all 30 And Yet It Moves achievements.

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  • Addicted

    Play 'And Yet It Moves' for at least 3:30 hours without quitting the game.

    Unlocked offline - Add a guide
  • Kamikaze

    Fall through a whole level from the first check point to the level end point (and rip there).

    Unlocked offline - Add a guide
  • Frozen

    Complete any level by only turning the world (no walking/jumping).

    Unlocked offline - Add a guide
  • Time Challenge Chapter One

    Beat the Chapter One Marathon in less than 5 minutes.

    Unlocked offline - Add a guide
  • Cheater

    Beat the Spin Cycle level with all the cheats active.

    25 February 2012 - Add a guide
  • Gregor

    Earn stamps on five different levels in the Limited Rotations mode.

    25 February 2012 - Add a guide
  • Casey

    Survive surfing the coconut-throwing monkey.

    05 January 2012 - 1 guide
  • Shown White

    Ride on a severed branch in Chapter Two for about 20 meters without touching the ground.

    18 December 2011 - 1 guide
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