Abiotic Factor Achievements Here is the full list of all 39 Abiotic Factor achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply One Down, One Million To GoKill a pest for the very first time. HackermanHack a door or other security feature. Green ThumbCultivate any crop Down UnderYou've taken your first steps into the GATE Cascade Research Facility. Office: ManagedYou've scrambled through the Office Sector with barely a papercut. Synced UpYou've bored your way into Manufacturing West and engineered an escape. Regaining ControlYou've broken free of containment failures and explored beyond the Cascade Laboratories. Accidents HappenYou didn't make it to the toilet in time. Crafty CreationsYou created your very first item, all by yourself, probably. Kitted OutEquip an item into every available slot, at the same time. Fashion SpecEquip a complete armor set with a unique buff. Mycelium about the ConsiliumEnjoy the dreams of the Mycofields. Supremus Ordo PetraeTake down 50 combatants from The Order, by any means available. Lab RatNever go full rat. Engineering SuccessCollect the full Manufacturing uniform. Survive the NightYou faced the dark of Security Sector and came out the other side, different, but alive. The DarkwaterYou've reactivated the Hydroplant and are battle-hardened as a result. Je Suis Perdu!You've had one heck of a ski holiday. We Don't Talk About That PlaceYou found yourself upon some distant shore... No RunningYou've sat in the Red Chair. No More Room In HelmholtzYou've lingered through an apocalypse. Flat as a PancakeYou've wandered into a reflection of another reality. SleepwalkingYou've drifted through the Night Realm. Field of DreamsYou've leapt through the mushrooms of the Mycofields. It Only Gets Stranger From HereYou've taken your first steps into the worlds beyond our own. All AboardYou've taken a journey aboard IS-0138. The ComposersYou've ventured to Flathill and it left you misty-eyed. The Big AppleYou've seen how the other half lives. Turns out, not very well. DummyYou've found a familiar friend in a familiar place. Nothing out of the Ordo here. Catch a FishYou've successfully caught a fish, but it isn't quite what you expected! Rare CatchYou've fished up something rare! Lucky you. Go With The FlowCollect the full Hydroplant uniform. A Lode Off My MindYou've met the excitable locals at the seaside hamlet of Canaan. Rumble on the Royal Range The Village Dawn Til' Dusk Dark Energy Shadowgate Coreverse