A Virus Named TOM Achievements Full list of all 47 A Virus Named TOM achievements.The base game contains 44 achievements, and there is 1 DLC pack containing 3 achievements.Filter Achievement View View Image viewList view Sort by TrueSteamAchievement desc TrueSteamAchievement asc Achievement name desc Achievement name asc TSA Ratio desc TSA Ratio asc Gamers desc Gamers asc Steam order Date won desc Date won asc DLC Packs Group DLC packs together in list DLC Filter AllOwnedNone Flag Filter All None 47 Offline Mode 25 Single Player 14 Main Storyline 29 Cooperative 6 Versus 2 x3 Players Required 3 x4 Players Required Link flagsOR joinAND join What are achievement flags? Click to find outApply The Dog Days Are Over (SP)Complete Pet of Tomorrow (Single Player Story) The Dog Days Are Over (MP)Complete Pet of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story) Beam Me Up (SP)Complete Teleporter (Single Player Story) Beam Me Up (MP)Complete Teleporter (Co-Op Story) One Small Step For Man (SP)Complete Sidewalk of Tomorrow (Single Player Story) One Small Step For Man (MP)Complete Sidewalk of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story) hotGirl365 (SP)Complete Holo-Suit (Single Player Story) hotGirl365 (MP)Complete Holo-Suit (Co-Op Story) Steak n Eggs (SP)Complete Hydrator (Single Player Story) Steak n Eggs (MP)Complete Hydrator (Co-Op Story) 1 guideTomorrow Is History (SP)Complete City of Tomorrow (Single Player Story) Tomorrow Is History (MP)Complete City of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story) Gold Boat (SP)Earn GOLD for all Levels (Single Player Story) Gold Boat (MP)Earn GOLD for all Levels (Co-Op Story) DominatrixWin a VERSUS BATTLE by Infection Domination Macaroni ChainGet an Energy Chain of 5 Energy Pellets Unobtainium ChainGet an Energy Chain of 10 Energy Pellets Adamantium ChainGet a Energy Chain of 20 Energy Pellets Stack OverflowCollect more energy than the HUD capsules can contain (Single or Co-Op Story) Energy PuristBeat Level 3.04 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single or Co-Op Story) 1 guideEnergy FundamentalistBeat Level 4.05 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single or Co-Op Story) Energy ExtremistBeat Level 6.05 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single Player Story) Glitch AbstinenceBeat Level 2.05 WITHOUT Dropping Any Glitches (Single or Co-Op Story) Pandemic (SP)Infect all levels, leaving none skipped (Single Player Story) Pandemic (MP)Infect all levels, leaving none skipped (Co-Op Story) A Virus Named NinjaBeat Level 6.10 Without Dying (Single or Co-Op Story) Coup d'état (SP)Score higher than the Devs on any Single Player level 3.01 or higher ("Tim" and "Jeremy" BAKED IN Scores) TOM BurglarSteal Energy off the BACK of a Chasing Drone (BLUE Drone) Six Armed MonsterWIN a Co-Op Game with THREE Keyboard Players, level 3.01 or higher The Grass Is Always GreenerGet a player to the opposite side of a Blue Barrier (Co-op Story) Flipping BitsGet ALL players to the opposite side of a Blue Barrier (Co-op Story) HeliumGet TWO Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time LithiumGet THREE Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time Leap Before You LookDie BEFORE Reaching the Board (Moving from a Spawn Point to the Game) GenocideDestroy ALL Drones on Level 3.06, Board must be completely drone free (Co-op Story) Air RaidIn VERSUS, Drop a COMBINED Total of 1,000 Glitch Bombs (2+ Players) Slaughter HouseIn VERSUS, Destroy a COMBINED Total of 80 TOMs (4 Players) Survivor's GuiltIn VERSUS, NO Deaths for 1 Player and a COMBINED Total of 25 Deaths for the Others (3+ Players) Game Of ThronesIn VERSUS, Steal a COMBINED Total of 500 Tiles (4 Players) TOMicideIn VERSUS, All Players Die at the Same Time (4 Players) 1 guideBerylliumGet FOUR Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time Peeping TOMRotate a Tile on the other side of a Barrier (Co-op Story) Et Tu Brute?Get your teammate killed by blocking their escape route (Co-Op Story) Coup d'état (MP)Score higher than the Devs on any Co-Op level 3.01 or higher ("Misfits Attic" BAKED IN Scores) Add-on Winter Wonderland 67 30 3 0.0012883 (65%) Reindeer GamesHints at http://www.avirusnamedtom.com/WinterWonderland.html Jolly Red VirusHints at http://www.avirusnamedtom.com/WinterWonderland.html Happy Little HelpersHints at http://www.avirusnamedtom.com/WinterWonderland.html