Master of undressing achievement in One Manga Day

Master of undressing

Be a true professional!

Master of undressing0

How to unlock the Master of undressing achievement

  • speedygamers901speedygamers9015,385
    19 Dec 2015 19 Dec 2015
    3 0 0
    I picked:
    Of course, I do. I'm with you!
    Creative what-what?
    Yes, I know. Let's get down to business.
    Go to the canteen
    Left one, it looks cleaner.
    Stay at the disco
    In the hall
    Help Dex with Lap with affairs of the heart
    Help Lin with Lap
    Help Lap with Alex
    All are right, in their own way.
    I was here on business.
    Go outside to clear your head and think things through
    The whole team has been busy!
    Take this tedious project!
    Why can't we translate this together?
    Where can I find some free time?
    Where can I get a lot of money?
    Why are your projects stolen all the time?
    Act as if the whole thing is just a joke
    That's all for me!
    Become a computer repairman
    You cannot grab someone else's project!
    Take the project and do it by yourself!
    Send Andre.
    No! We will fight to the end!
    Chase and beat Andre badly
    Take off the jacket
    Put on a swimsuit.
    Put on a bikini
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