Quelling the Tremors achievement in Final Fantasy III (3D Remake)

Quelling the Tremors

Defeat Titan and obtain the Earth Crystal.

Quelling the Tremors0
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How to unlock the Quelling the Tremors achievement

  • xShoot4WarAmpsxxShoot4WarAmpsx50,169
    22 Jul 2018 29 Jul 2018 29 Jul 2018
    0 0 0
    Level: 46
    HP: 29000
    Atk: 96
    Def: 44
    Weakness: None

    Titan is not that difficult. Use same strategies for most the Bosses. Have a healer and use a full scale attack. My characters were in lvl 50 maybe a bit higher by this point. He doesnt do too much physical damage, you just need to watch out for his Quake ability. You should dispatch him easily on 2-3 rounds. All my fighting characters used dual wielding weapons.
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