Gold Pact achievement in We Were Here Expeditions: The FriendShip

Gold Pact

Achieved a maximum score in Crewmate Carousel

Gold Pact0

How to unlock the Gold Pact achievement

  • xXxRustyxXxxXxRustyxXx8,976
    29 Oct 2023 29 Oct 2023
    0 0 0
    To get the gold ticket you need to complete 3 Rounds of Crewmate Carousel which means that you need a total of 15 correct answers in a row.

    If you do not reach the gold ticket you can put the ticket you obtain into the shredder and try again.

    ***Puzzel Spoiler****
    The puzzle has two parts:
    1. First Player will see four (4) pirates on timber columns performing an action with a symbol under them.
    2. The Second Player will see a single pirate performing an action with a "?" under them. This player will also have four (4) symbols they can choose from.

    Round 1 (5 Answers Required for Bronze) - The Second Player needs to tell the First Player what action the pirate with the "?" is performing and the First Player needs to tells them the corresponding symbol. The Second Player must then interact with that symbol. If it is correct you will hear a bell and a light on the meter will light up. If you get it wrong you will hear a buzzer and the game will end.

    Round 2 (5 Answers Required for Silver) - This is the same as Round 1 except the roles will be reversed.

    Round 3 (5 Answers Required for Gold) - This is the same as the previous rounds except the players roles will alternate after each correct answer. Also instead of four (4) there will be eight (8) choices for each player.

    Once you fill the meter and get the gold you can collect your gold ticket and cash it in to claim your boat upgrade.
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