


Money For Nothing achievement in Afterimage

Money For Nothing

Purchase all shop items.

Money For Nothing-1.0
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How to unlock the Money For Nothing achievement

  • solamon77solamon77194,960
    10 Jun 2023 10 Jun 2023
    0 0 0
    This guide was copied from MemoriesOfFinal's guide over on TrueAchievements. All credit goes to them.
    This Achievement takes awhile as it requires a few other Achievements in the process. This guide assumes the player isn't 100% new to the game by this point of the game otherwise it'll get way too long.

    Resting Town:
    The Blacksmith/Martin
    Merchant with the Snail/Tark

    1. Buy out all limited quantity items, even if you already own them.
    1a. Some items have more than 1 available. Buy it out.
    1b. Some items are unlimited like the Healing Potions and Resting Potions, these don't need to be bought.

    Town of the Exiled:

    1. Buy out his first stock
    2. Buy out his second stock of Owl gear. Available after finishing Levine's Quest (there's a new mandatory item purchase from Stanley during this questline) and starting Stanley's (Quest: Travel) by meeting Levine + Stanley at the Holy Grounds near the Manta docks.
    3. Buy out his third stock after the completing the Stanley (Quest: Travel) [Unlocks the Achievement: Come as You Are]


    1. Buy his ticket

    Halcyon Veins:

    1. Buy out all 4 item stocks with Se Coins. The next stock will show up when the previous one is emptied out.

    Alice (Quest: Delicacy)
    Emily (Quest: Tasty Trip)
    Doro (Quest: Practice)
    Mia (Quest: Fresh Scent, located at Sky Palace)

    1. Buy/Cook all of those

    after all of those are done

    Alice (Quest: Happiness) [Unlocks the Achievements: Taste of Happiness and Epicure]

    1. Buy that last food item.

    That should be everything

    My last thing was buying out Se's items. Money for Nothing popped up on the side in-game before the Achievement unlocked.
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