Peanut Butter Butterpops! achievement in The Quarry

Peanut Butter Butterpops!

Never missed in a combat encounter

Peanut Butter Butterpops!0
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How to unlock the Peanut Butter Butterpops! achievement

  • DeathtrothDeathtroth165,793
    21 Jan 2024 22 Jan 2024 22 Jan 2024
    0 0 0
    Go To Options And Set Auto-Aim To "Auto" (Not Off, Not On, AUTO) Then Start A Playthrough.
    Did This On An "Everyone's Infected", "Everyone Lives", "Get All Clues" Playthrough

    - Shooting Game Hit All Targets
    - Use Shortcut Twice So Ryan Shoots Bobby
    - Didnt Shoot Bushes
    - Didn't Shoot Roof
    - Kaitlyn Got Blooded And Shot Bobby
    - Abi Shot Nick
    - Kaitlyn Shot Emma Three Times When She Pops Out Of The Van (Regular Shot, Make Sure Emma Gets Bit On The Island)
    - Laura Didnt Shoot Nick (Interrupt)
    - Ryan Shot Chris (Didn't Die Because He Had Accepted Bite From Laura)
    - Kaitlyn Shot Caleb With A Silver Round From Abi
    - Laura "Raises Gun" And Shoots Silas, First Chance.

    Make Sure You Put Auto-Aim To "Auto" In Settings BEFORE You Start A File, I've Heard It Doesn't Work If You Set It Later Than That, And It Also Only Works 50% Of The Time If You Change It Around Mid-Game.

    Good Luck!
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