Rush Ballderaan achievement in Road to Ballhalla

Rush Ballderaan

Earn all Time Stars on Ballderaan.

Rush Ballderaan-1.0
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How to unlock the Rush Ballderaan achievement

  • Titanium DragonTitanium Dragon156,057
    29 Sep 2016 29 Sep 2016
    0 0 0
    This is quite difficult to do. A few helpful tips:

    5) In the Miss Marble level (by far the hardest to get the time on), you need to avoid waiting for the ball to drop as much as possible. The second ball drop should be on the first laser switch in the second area; the second ball drop should be on the second laser switch in the second area. The fourth ball drop should clear the way for you to get past the laser in the third area; so should the fifth and sixth (yes, this is possible to do). It is possible to screw up ONE of these drops and still make the achievement, but not both.

    In the fourth area, you don't need to use the ball to absorb bullets at all; rather, rush over to get the three unlocks, jump the narrow gap between the top lane and the bottom lane (landing on one of the blue squares - this is why they're there! To let you do this! Avoid landing on both), then complete the area.

    In the final area, try to waste as few ball drops as possible; you can waste one in this area, but not two. Ideally, you should deactivate the first laser with the first ball drop and the second one with the second, but it is okay to deactivate the second laser with the third ball drop.

    Be sure not to die on the red tiles in this room; it is a real risk while rushing around. I got 1:11 in this bit.
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