Sisyphus Reborn

Released in 2014 by Myshkin Entertainment, Sisyphus Reborn is a game about finding meaning in a world that has none. Rated very positively on the Steam store, this is a massively popular game in the indie genre, but how do you get 100%? This walk through will help you get to completion.

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There are no tips I can offer for this game, other than sit back and enjoy the atmosphere. Enjoy the game whilst you play it - it's a quick one.

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The first achievement in Sisphyus Reborn is Beginning To See The Light. You get this for making your way out of the cage at the start of the game. In order to do this, you need to go to the right until you’re blocked by a stalagmite. Examine it and then you need to go all the way back to the left where you began. Pick up a rock and then head back over to the stalagmite. Use the rock to break the stalagmite and then pick it up when it breaks off. Continue on to the right until you reach a small funnel of water coming through a crack in the cave wall. Use the stalagmite on the hole in order to break it open into a bigger opening. Exit through this and the achievement will pop.

The next achievement is Pyramid Song.

Upon leaving the cave, continue going to the right. Talk to the people you come across, and soon, you will be told about a pyramid. Continue going right. You need to unlock the pyramid and gain entrance in order to get into it and to collect the achievement. To do this, you need to recreate the bell song that is playing from the pyramid on the bells that hand from the tree – the tree is on the left of the pyramid.

For those who don’t want to figure it out themselves, the order to click the bells is: 4-3-2-1-2.

Once you enter the pyramid, the achievement will pop.

The next achievement you can collect is Not To Be.

After a talk with the person who lives inside the pyramid, you will be taken to see the people who have chosen to do nothing. When the dialogue stops, click in the group of people and stay there for a short while. The achievement will pop and a box will come up asking if this is the ending you choose. Select that you want to carry on.

The next achievement is Road To Nowhere.

After saying you want to carry on after staying in the group of people, click to the right. Keep clicking to the right. The screens will begin to get more and more pixelated. Eventually, you will reach a wall and the achievement will pop. It will ask you again if you want to end the game here. Select no.

The next achievement is I Shovel Very Well.

After going to the end of the world, click to the left and come back. After a short talk with the person in the pyramid, you will have to go and create a shovel. This will unlock the achievement. You need grass, a stick and a rock.

For those who don’t want to look around and find these items: Take a branch from any of the dead trees across the landscape, there is a pile of rocks behind one of the diggers where you can take a rock, and the grass is all the way back outside the cave entrance.

When you pick up the grass, there will be a short dialogue, and a fade. The achievement will soon pop.

The next achievement to win is Dig To Live, Live To Dig. In order to do this, use the shovel on sand twelve times. It does not matter where you dig, as long as it is sand.

Rebirth is the last achievement in the game, and is won by completing it. To do this, go into your cave. Use the shovel on the bottom of the small pool of water, and the game will turn into a cut scene.

After a while into the credits, a coloured tree will appear on screen and the achievement will pop.

Happy completion!

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