mkpoli's ToDo List

There are 4 items in this To-Do list. In total, they are worth 164 TrueSteamAchievement points
Game Achievement TSA Ratio
Rabi-Ribi Rabi-Ribi A bunny, a fairy, and two girls. A bunny, a fairy, and two girls.Cleared the main game in Normal Mode or above. 22 2.26
Rabi-Ribi Rabi-Ribi ...Is it over yet? ...Is it over yet?Cleared the main game in Hard Mode or above. 34 3.49
Rabi-Ribi Rabi-Ribi There's more! There's more!Cleared the main game in Hell Mode or above. 50 5.05
Rabi-Ribi Rabi-Ribi Can you finish the rest too? Can you finish the rest too?Cleared the main game in Bunny Extinction Mode. 58 5.86
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