Lux_Empyrean's ToDo List

There are 7 items in this To-Do list. In total, they are worth 195 TrueSteamAchievement points
Game Achievement TSA Ratio
Victor Vran ARPG Victor Vran ARPG Master Crafter Master CrafterTransmute a perfect weapon 49 4.93
Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VIII Tonberry TonberryUnlock Guardian Force Tonberry 18 1.82
Victor Vran ARPG Victor Vran ARPG Serious Vran Serious VranMake 15000 kills with 5 active Hexes 44 4.49
Defense Grid 2 Defense Grid 2 The Not-So-Friendly Skies The Not-So-Friendly SkiesBuild 100 Missile towers. 20 2.05
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition Rise of Nations: Extended Edition Wonder WonderWin Wonder 17 1.73
Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy VIII First salary First salaryGet your first salary from SeeD 13 1.31
Halfway Halfway The cake is a lie! The cake is a lie!Find the hidden cake. 34 3.46
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