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The Road to Canterbury Achievements

Here is the full list of all 18 The Road to Canterbury achievements.

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  • Lifesaver

    Save a life in Rochester.

  • First Audience

    Be the first person to hear a line from the Canterbury Tales.

  • Penny-Pincher

    Make it to Sittingbourne with some coins in your purse.

  • Yarn Spinner

    Get a high score in the storytelling contest.

  • Person of Quality

    When you ask someone to vouch for your character, it's unimpeachable.

  • Life and Liberty

    You, Perkin, and Elias all make it out of Canterbury alive and free.

  • Pilgrim

    Reach the shrine of Saint Thomas.

  • Persuasive

    Change Philippa's mind before she meets her cousin.

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