Drip Drip

Drip Drip

Game action
Drip Drip

Drip Drip Achievements

Here is the full list of all 44 Drip Drip achievements.

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  • Campaign Champ

    Finish the USA campaign.

  • Pantastic

    Use only the pan for catching water on the San Diego level.

  • Kettlantics

    Use only the kettle for catching water on the Denver level.

  • Buckethead

    Use only the bucket for catching water on the Detroit level.

  • Barreling Along

    Use only the barrel for catching water on Chicago level.

  • Garbage Day

    Use only the garbage can for catching water on the Dallas level.

  • Spongeanitis

    Use only the sponge for catching water on the St. Louis level.

  • First 5 Star

    Earn a five star rating on any one of the levels in USA.

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